Tons of little creatures dying over and over for value, eventually overwhelming the opponent with life drain or too many creatures to handle.
1. Make a ton of creatures
- 1-drops
- deathtouch creatures
- undying creatures
- enchantments that generate tokens
The enemy is going to have a tough time slogging through.
2. Destroy our stuff!
Hidden Stockpile, Yahenni, Bontu and Fumigate are ready and willing to kill our creatures. There's no hurry, just do things as you progress. The effect is the opponent's removal is all but useless, and their attacks (unless with evasion) are equally useless.
Zulaport Cutthroat is delighted! the opponent will lose a ton of life.
3. Destroy their stuff!!
Fatal Push (always online), Cast Out, and... FumigateThanks to our indestructibles, planeswalkers, enchantments, Fumigate is not a problem for our side. But it is for them. Yahenni and Bontu love the destruction. With all their creatures dead (and likely their gods offline - only Bontu really thrives under Fumigate), we can swing for huge damage.
4. Win! There's 3 ways to the goal:
- Attacking with big creatures through their decimated board
- Swarm them
- Drain life through Zulaport and Bontu.
key matchups:
Big Stuff AggroSideboard gets the verry interesting Dusk / Dawn, which will kill almost everything a GR aggro deck might run (save the gods) and nothing of yours. But then Dawn comes and everything that was killed before comes back to your hand and you can keep going.
Marvel game 1 is a problem. We don't usually start quick and rely on stonewalling into lifedrain. Not too effective against as early Ulamog. So bring in the hand disruption and Manglehorns. Declaration to take out Ulamog (should he arrive) or other big things.
Snek Deck is also likely good. We can set up a persistent chumpblock defense. Gearhulk and Rhonas are the only real problems because of trample. Fumigate and Dusk//Dawn are good against them, and Declaration in Stone as well.
Mardu is a challenge but we can win. The key is to save Fatal Push for their flyers, and build up a board presence that will allow you to block. Cast Out can take out a planeswalker or a 5-drop. Get the board under control and watch out for Ballista. Then you can win off of Fumigate and a board advantage. Side Flagships, Narnam Renegade, Grasp. Hidden Stockpile will be very useful to minimize Unlicensed Disintegration damage.
Dynavolt is fun. They have a powerful burn engine, but they will be spending that on our endless 1/1 tokens. The game may go long but how can they stop us?
Alternate build:
Standard* jubale
SCORE: 2 |