Ancient Grudge
: Much needed affinity/Urza hate. That deck is too fast for us and we need to be ready for them.
Back to Nature
: A controversial pick but one I won't leave home without. Takes care of
Leyline of Sanctity
and in the odd case we find a
Blood Moon
: Resolving this means Affinity/Lantern/Urza (and its many forms) and any other artifact bases deck normally loses.
Force of Negation
: Great at stopping our opponents from going off with their own combo/back breaking play.
Anger of the Gods
: Red's boardwipe. Exiling persist and undying critters is always good. Helps out a lot against the aggro matchup. Takes care of small aggro and more importantly, the dredge decks.
Obstinate Baloth
: Used for decks with discard. Occasionally burn as well.
Crumble to Dust
: Crumble to dust is the perfect weapon against Tron. One of our better matchups. Sometimes I switch this out for
and vice versa.
Nature's Claim
: Great against artifact decks but this is mainly used for problematic enchantments like Blood Moon and Leyline of Sanctity.
Force of Vigor
: Green's modern playable force. Don't forget that we can still hard cast this on turn 3!
Huntmaster of the Fells
: Helps us when we need something for the grindier matchups, like control or midrange. Our drunken Canadian friend loves producing blockers and is always down to brawl.
Madcap Experiment
: 1 card combo that lets us find our aggro/burn stopper. The way this interacts with Emperion means we take no life from resolving the spell. Scroll down for more.
Platinum Emperion
: Nobody expects this out of the board. Because of our non-creature centric strategy players will side out most, if not all, their removal game two. That's when we get them.
Timely Reinforcements
: Burn is a weakness, and also very prevalent. This sneaky spell helps us chump and delay our demise until we can find the win.
The Spice Corner and Shift Lists of Old:
Boseiju, Who Shelters All
: Perfect agains t control. I once had two scapeshifts in hand, scapeshifted for 6 finding a Boseiju and putting the control-opponent on a one turn clock. Dirty business.
Chalice of the Void
: One of my favorite cards. Helps us against burn, bogles, lantern, tron, and aggro mathcups. This is in the testing slot but currently I am very happy with it.
Izzet Charm
: Not the king, but most certainly the jack of all. Does everything we need.
Sweltering Suns
: Red's 2nd boardwipe. I have concluded with a 1/1 split of this and Anger because in matchup where we don't want a red sweeper we are able to cycle away the card. Plus having a split means we do not get blown out by Meddling Mage.
Engineered Explosives
: Solid sideboard MBP. We easily get 3 colors dealing with problem creatures and enchantments.