A man made the machine to make his life easier, but the question is just how long a man will be able to control the machine that is many times more powerful and more capable than he is. In undeveloped countries, where cell phones are still a luxury and the peak of technological progress is a very strong bulb which makes it easier for workers to see when they are working, there is still no such threat. But scientist in Western Countries are already trying to predict when will the time come when computers will rule humans.
This is my planeswalker deck centered around
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, by far the coolest planeswalker. This is a control deck that plays for the long game and centers around either stealing opponents permanents with
Memnarch and
Liquimetal Coating or outright destroying them with
Spine of Ish Sah.
I recently removed Vault of Whispers to make the deck modern legal.
The deck spends it’s early turns stalling the game and setting up.
Ichor Wellspring helps keep your hand full, while
Mycosynth Wellspring fetches additional lands. Use
Phyrexia's Core to sac them for additional draws and fetches.
Pristine Talisman also speeds up our mana while netting us a bit of life to buy time.
We have a decent suite of removal in Doom Blade, Ratchet Bomb, Black Sun's Zenith and Sever the Bloodline. Curse of Death's Hold can ruin the day of an aggro or token deck.
Treasure Mage is a great tutor to go and grab one of your win conditions.
Steel Hellkite is a major threat to an opponent, that immediately can switch the pace of a game, while Memnarch uses Liquimetal Coating to convert any opponents threats to your side. Spine of Ish Sah just straight up annihilates your opponents biggest threat, and is easily cloned using Phyrexian Metamorph for much cheaper. After it’s done it’s duty, just sacrifice it and bounce it back to your hand, smashing your opponents stuff for 4 mana each.
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas will impact the game as soon as played, turning your misc artifacts into 5/5 creatures, or helping you draw into more powerful artifacts, and healing you while damaging your opponent with his ultimate.
Treasure Mages if you have trouble drawing a win condition, as well as some hand disruption and life regeneration.
Ghost Quarter can stop
Glacial Chasm and other land based decks in their tracks.
I build every deck under a $100 budget, to be affordable for most casual players. While this removes many of the higher priced and sought after cards from my potential pool, it also forces me to be creative and look into a wider scope of cards. Occasionally I have a deck that exceeds this amount, either due to price inflation over time, or getting a few lucky pulls in packs that I opted to keep, and in those rare cases, I will attempt to annotate replacement options that would bring the deck back in line with this budget. This deck suffers from the inflation on
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas.
Overall this is a slow but brilliant deck to play. You have such a large number of decisions to make each turn, and start off looking vulnerable to an opponent. I’m always interested in suggestions, feedback, and upvotes! Thanks for looking.
View my other decks here: Deck Archive.
Please click the +1 Upvote button if you enjoyed the deck! All comments and recommendations are appreciated, Thanks!