Someone explained the Rock archetype to me the other day... Early game control, mid game hand disruption and beat face, right? Sounded like a blast to play, so I thought I'd try it in B/R. As you can see it ended up more as Rakdos Control, but hey, it still works!
We've got plenty of creature removal and destruction with Mutilate, Devour Flesh, Dreadbore, Victim of the night and the like. Sever the Bloodline for those hard-to-actually-get-rid-of fellows like Gravecrawler and extra flashback utility.
For hand/deck disruption I'm going with Duress, as well as Slaughter Games mainboard. It helps a great deal against Sphinx's Revelation and counterspells, and with knowledge from Duress you may even snip out a couple cards from their hand, which can be very important.
I needed a Planewalker to help me retain board presence through a Terminus, Supreme Verdict or Mutilate, and Liliana of the Dark Realms helps me thin my deck and ramp. She's there as a punching bag, and because I really need my lands.
For efficient creatures, Desecration Demon seems to fit that role beautifully, and Olivia Voldaren is a boss late game, shredding anything they put down and swinging for big chunks of life.
Rakdos Keyrune helps for mana fixing, survives board wipes, and the first strike is super nice.
Help and criticism is greatly appreciated! It's done well enough in play-testing, but I'd like to know what problems any of you can foresee!
Also important for the sake of naming, I'd like to know... Is this even Rock-ish?