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Roon of the Awesome Realm

Commander / EDH GWU (Bant)


My pet Roon of the Hidden Realm deck. It's all about flickering dudes for fun and profit. You can play a solid control game while looking innocuous with your small value creatures and your silly rhino general. The main goal of this deck is to make sure that you always have a response to whatever is coming your way, which can be done using various tutors to get what the situation requires, as well as always having Mana available to activate Roon or one of your other flicker effects.

Input is welcome, but check the "Cut Cards" list at the bottom so you don't suggest something I've already removed for various reasons.

How the deck works:

Step 1 ~ Ramp in ways that are fairly safe from disruption. This is mostly in the form of land based ramp, due to the social contract that shies away from mass land destruction in the casual Commander format, and permanent untappers (Kiora's Follower/Vizier of Tumbling Sand).


  1. Cryptolith Rite - Who doesn't love all their creatures being Birds of Paradise?
  2. Coiling Oracle - Can be flickered for extra value, but I honestly consider this one 1/2 a piece of ramp
  3. Three Visits - Tutors an ABUR Dual/Shock land onto the battlefield untapped making it arguably the best ramp spell in MTG
  4. Wood Elves - Tutors an ABUR Dual/Shock land onto the battlefield tapped, so another all-star
  5. Sol Ring - It's considered the most powerful card ever printed for a reason
  6. Kiora's Follower - Vulnerable to creature removal, but feels great when you untap Gaia's Cradle with her
  7. Nature's Lore - A functional reprint of Three Visits, so it's awesome
  8. Farhaven Elf - Gets you a basic. Not as good as Wood Elves, but still very strong flicker target
  9. Risen Reef - Another 1/2 piece of ramp, basically a functional reprint of Coiling Oracle in this deck
  10. Farseek - Another 2 drop that tutors a Dual or Shock tapped. Bread and butter for fixing
  11. Krosan Verge - One of few lands that come in tapped, but you can pay 2 and sac it to get 2 dual or shock lands
  12. Training Grounds - Reduces the activations of Roon by 2, which is huge and I count as ramp
  13. Vizier of Tumbling Sands - See Kiora's Follower

Step 2 ~ Draw into victory using flicker creatures to bury your foes in card advantage or recur cards from your graveyard for value. This will allow you to access the many facets of your "tool box" deck.

Card Draw/Advantage:

  1. Sensei's Diving Top - While not card draw, this is amazing card selection for almost no mana investment
  2. Wall of Blossoms - 1G and draws a card for 2 mana every turn with Roon out, also great early blocker
  3. Coiling Oracle - While I consider it 1/2 a piece of ramp...it is 100% card draw
  4. Cloud Blazer - 3UW for a 2/2 flyer that draws you 2 cards and gains 2 life - Flicker this often
  5. Mulldrifter - Few things satisfy me in EDH as much as Evoking Mulldrifter and Flicking it to draw 4 and keep the body
  6. Guardian Project - A great card draw engine in any creature heavy EDH deck
  7. Ephara, God of the Polis - This can draw you 4 cards a rotation if set up correctly, as it triggers on each upkeep
  8. Eternal Witness - Get back the best thing in your bin over and over
  9. Karmic Guide - Great piece of creature recursion and will rarely fail to get you value
  10. Charming Prince - Scry 2 mode is a great way to smooth out your early turns and get to your best cards and it has other useful modes
  11. Risen Reef - See Coiling Oracle

Step 3 ~ Protect your Rhino of Infinite Justice and Flicker using these patented spells that are sure to keep you as safe as a newborn swaddled in his binky.


  1. Constant Mists: Sometimes you need to fog and then fog and then fog again. With the amount of ramp in this deck you can usually afford to go down a land to keep from taking an alpha strike
  2. Ephemerate: This can help Roon dodge a targeted removal spell and you get it again the next turn to flicker a value piece
  3. Fierce Guardianship: A free Negate when you have Roon on board, so yeah...it's strong
  4. Gaddock Teeg: Protects from most board wipes and a TON of game ending spells
  5. Glen Elendra Archmage: Negate on a body that you can use over and over by flickering her to remove the -1/-1 counter from Persist
  6. Saw It Coming: A handy Foretell counterspell that pairs well with your other Foretell cards. A hidden counterspell is such a powerful thing that people will often misplay around this card
  7. Swan Song: Counters many relevant spells for 1 blue (IE Cyclonic Rift)
  8. Voidmage Husher: Counters activated abilities and can be reused easily in this deck
  9. Cosmic Intervention: Use in response to a board wipe to protect all your stuff and leave everyone else with a clean playmat, plus people will often think this is Saw It Coming and misplay because of it
  10. Glorious Protector: Used in the same way as Cosmic Intervention, also when you Foretell it most people will think it's Saw It Coming and that can cause them to misplay...so win-win

Step 4 ~ Interact with the board in ways that will be sure to make your opponents smile and give you loads of candy.


  1. Amphin Mutineer: This card can murk a ton of creatures if you flicker it with Roon, but it doesn't even matter if it dies due to Encore
  2. Aura Shards: This will ensure that almost no artifacts or enchantments can last on the board except for yours
  3. Gilded Drake: Exchange control with your opponent's best creature and then flicker Gilded Drake to do it again and again
  4. Knight of Autumn: A nice modal creature that lets you destroy an artifact/enchantment, gain 4 life, or put 2 +1/+1 counters on him (you won't use the last one often, but it can be nice if you need a blocker)
  5. Mangara of Corondor: Tap to exile any target and then flicker this with the self exile on the stack, you'll keep your Magnara, but the foe's target will be gone forever
  6. Perplexing Chimera: With this sitting on the field your opponents will be hesitent to cast their best spells for fear of you stealing them. You can also flicker this to regain control of it once you do steal something
  7. Swords to Plowshares: Your catch-all spell for removing a problem creature
  8. Reflector Mage: Keep threats like Koma, Child of Alara, and Tergrid (etc) locked in their owner's hand
  9. Venser, Shaper Savant: Bounces a spell back to its owner's hand and can be a part of a hard lock on the game if you're set up correctly

Step 5 ~ Sometimes you just need a clean slate so you can move on in your life.


  1. Cyclonic Rift: I mean...yeah, just play it because it wins games
  2. Druid of Purification: This card will do work removing problematic threats while keeping your sweet, sweet boardstate intact
  3. Supreme Verdict: Can be fetched with Mystical Tutor and it can't be countered, because sometime a wrath is all that will save your bacon

Step 6 ~ Find just what you need at just the right junction to make your conjunction function.


  1. Congregation at Dawn: Tutors three creatures to the top of your library, which if you can draw into/cast them will instantly go infinite on Mana (Targets: Deadeye Navigator, Peregrin Drake, Eldrazi Displacer/Emiel, the Blessed)
  2. Eladamri's Call: Tutors any creature straight to your hand
  3. Enlightened Tutor: Most of the time this will go get either Training Ground or Panharmonicon, but there are quite a few good targets for it in the deck
  4. Mystical Tutor: Gets Cyclonic Rift, Eerie Interlude, Mana Drain, and a TON of other cards that can save your butt
  5. Wargate: Tutors any permanent with CMC X or less straight into play (Too many good targets to list, but X=0 gets Gaea's Cradle)
  6. Worldly Tutor: Gets you any creature to the top of your deck at instant speed for 1 Mana
  7. Crop Rotation - Need Mana? Why not Gaea's Cradle? Need your stolen commander back? Go get Homeward Path. Need card draw? Mikokoro has you covered. Need all your stuff to have flash speed? I hear Alchemist's Refuge is good for that business. Talk about a flexible card!

Step 7 ~ What if I just want to hop on the value train to Goodstuff Town?


  1. Panharmonicon: Doubling up your ETBs will double up your fun and double up the pain of your enemies
  2. Seedborne Muse: Being able to untap Roon every turn will put you in a very strong position and can even lock the game up in the right situations
  3. Teleportation Circle: Conjurer's Closet's ability on an enchantment that can also blink a mana rock to untap it
  4. Thassa, Deep Dwelling: Conjurer's Closet...with an activated ability...on an indestructible body? Yes, please

Step 8 ~ So all these creatures with ETBS are great and all, but how the heck am I supposed to win?!


  1. Agent of Treachery: Paired with Gilded Drake + Perplexing Chimera , you should be able to have enough stolen permanents on board to get a free Ancestral Recall every turn, plus this can usually steal enough things to overwhelm your foes
  2. Acidic Slime: Flicker this enough and your opponents won't have any lands left to play
  3. Deadeye Navigator: This guy will go infinite with Peregrine Drake
  4. Eldrazi Displacer: Another infinite with Peregrine Drake
  5. Emiel, the Blessed: Infinite with Peregrine Drake
  6. Peregrine Drake: I mean...do I need to explain him?
  7. Thragtusk: In case your Drake gets exiled, etc you can fall back on good old combat damage and life gain to get you to a victory
  8. Avenger of Zendikar - Make plants, make them huge, smash some face
  • Conjurer's Closet - This card was just too slow for my taste at its CMC
  • Kithkin Spellduster - Great card, but I have plenty of artifact/enchantment hate already
  • Archaeomancer - Cut due to limited room, but might put back after some more play testing
  • Fatestitcher - Didn't want a surplus of untappers, cut to add room for more ETB creatures
  • Snapcaster Mage - Same as Archaeomancer. I know Snappy is a house in limited, but he just doesn't wow me in EDH
  • Harmonic Sliver - Again I have a good artifact/enchantment hate package and the fact that this does give other Slivers the ability can be a factor. We all know that one guy who plays a Sliver Hivelord or Sliver Queen deck
  • Lavinia of the Tenth (This card is another possibility to add back in. It's really good, but I cut it in favor of a lower CMC ETB effect)
  • Zendikar Resurgent - Great card, but the 7 CMC was just too much for me
  • Venser, the Sojourner - Too much Planeswalker hate in my meta
  • Mistmeadow Witch - Replaced with Emiel the Blessed because the activation doesn't require specific colors of mana


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90% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

63 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.32
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Foretell, Plant 0/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Decks
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