I started with a U/R midrangey deck, with Thing in the Ice
and Rise from the Tides as payoffs. I know it's not precisely a new idea, play lots of cheap draw spells, dig through half of your deck, some burn for controlling the board, get one on the payoffs and win if everything goes right. But then I remembered Enigma Drake, and it just fits, but its synergy with Thing in the Ice
is shaky at best, so maybe I should go away from one of those things, but then maybe I wouldn't have enough win-conditions... So I'm looking for recommendations on if I should commit the deck to do less things but more efficiently, I can't seem to bring myself to choose one over the other.
Also things like Bedlam Reveler or Cryptic Serpent look like could work beautifully, but I don't really know how would I make the room for them.
Oh, and any feedback for the sideboard is most welcome.
By the way, I know the mana base can be vastly improved, budget doesn't allow it for the time being though.
Went completely away from Thing in the Ice
and got the full set of Enigma Drake, to very good results. That's probably due too to another update, Sweltering Suns gives a must needed edge against aggro. Kept 1 rise from the tide and added 1 Pull from Tomorrow, different threats that are an almost win if resolved. Also updated the Sideboard somewhat, Disperse is there mainly as an answer to Planeswalkers or Brick-counter-type cards that made the board.