Welp, gameplay is simple just get the necessary lands and cast all a couple of creatures then bomb 'em with spells and trigger their +/+ abilities... or not.
Strategy 1: (early game) Nuke them with growing creature(s). On turn 3/4 you may have taken half of their life and by turn 5 you rekt them. That is if you got the perfect hand w/c most of the time you will.
Stormchaser Mage
Niblis of Frost
, and Mercurial Geist are the key in most of your strategy early in the game. Also, using Essence Flux you can bounce Niblis back and forth off your field thus unleashing its "tap opponent creature" ability while triggering your othe prowess or +/+ friends' abilities. You can also use this if your attackers are enchanted with "can't attack or block" by your enemy. Oh and did I mention it puts +1/+1 counter if you use it on spirit type creatures w/c happens to be niblis' and merc's types.
Strategy 2: (mid to late game) This is where Brain in a Jar,
Daring Sleuth
, Jori En, Ruin Diver,
Zada, Hedron Grinder
play their roles. Things didn't end so soon? Don't worry as long as you get enough charges from Brain in a Jar, you get to free cast all your instant/sorcery spells. Add Jori to the flay and you get a free draw on your second spell, targeting Zada of course. If you see where this is going, you may figure out that you can basically pay 0 mana for boost spells if you have 3/4 counters on Brain in a Jar (meaning the game dragged on for more than 5 turns) and use the lands you have for the clues you have to draw more boost spells (max is 4 from Jace's Scrunity if you haven't transformed Sleuth yet) thus ending the game. Except when they prevented those damage on a miraculous turn of events. (Please note that this strategy only works if you manage to somehow get Brain from turn 2 or 3, and when all the other roleplayers are in play.)
Which leads us to why I put
Dragonmaster Outcast
in this deck. It is for these times when you ran out of firepower from your prowess or +/+ friends and instant/sorcery spells. Specially vs control decks which love to bounce off your creatures of counter your boost spells, creature spells even. This card is very reliable, you can cast it early game as a bait for all your opponent's pacifying/bounce/counter/debuff spells. Or you can cast it as a triple-threat stance while u still have your prowess friends on the field so you could swing with your heart's content and not worrying about defenders because of your 5/5 flying dragons. But most of the time, you don't get to witness the majestic summoning of these sxc dragon tokens because you already ended the game by turn 5 or earlier. I mean like even when you only have 3 lands by turn 5 you'd still win depending on w/c creatures are in play, hopefully 1 merc was in play so when you play three 1-drops with your 3 lands you'll have a 1+9/3 flyer plus the card effects. And yea, most of your spells are instants so you could make an ambush when there are no blockers declared.
You can side deck too if you rly hate control opponents. Just replace some spells with blue counter spells such as Void Shatter or
Spell Shrivel
and you are good to go. Just remember to cast it on your turn (most of the time while on battle phase so you can trigger the prowess and +/+ abilities of your creatures). But this way the kill will be way more slower, you may witness Dragonmaster's dragon in action. If you're not much fond of the control style you can also replace essence with Uncaged Fury for double strike or Brute Strength for trample or you can Expedite too for haste.