I was doing a Modern Masters III draft, and made a really fun deck I wanted to recreate. Its pretty casual but could be competitive (though budget)

The strategy consists of three main parts:

  1. Sacrifice engines

Sacrifice engines are how you will be sacrificing creatures. Your main engines are Bontu the Glorified, Viscera Seer, and Bloodthrone Vampire, but you can also use Bone Splinters for this.

2.Sacrifice Targets

These are creatures to sacrifice, like Gravecrawler, Geralf's Messenger, Strangleroot Geist, Golgari Thug, and Reassembling Skeleton


Now that your sacrificing creatures, you need good payoff with cards like Blood Artist and Dictate of Erebos

Lastly there are a couple of good cards that fit in like Necrogenesis and man lands, along with Damnation being a possible win-con with Blood Artist out.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
Tokens Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G
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