
Instant (5)

Creature (3)


MOST games you will not deal lethal damage...just wait for your opponent to scoop once they realize what is about to happen.
Can you escape this prison? Very salty mana-base and creature hate pauper build with a lot of stax effects. The goal is to lock down the board and make everything more expensive and more pain producing when paying those added costs(via land hate)...eventually your opponent will have no choice but to scoop because every play they make will bring them one step closer to 0. Fine tuning or side-board suggestions always welcomed. Thanks for looking!


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97% Competitive

Top Ranked
Date added 8 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.62
Folders Pauper Ideas, Cool decks, Nifty, New decks to test, pauper, Pauper Decks, Budget Decks Non Standard, Interesting Pauper Decks, to MOL testing, Intresting Decks
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