
Removal (1)


The theme of this deck is trying to kill all opponents at the same time!

I was inspired to make this deck because I pulled a Archfiend of Despair in the commander masters preview event. I was looking at commanders that run this card and I saw a lot of Rakdos, Lord of Riots and Kaalia of the Vast decks. I am considering the Rakdos deck because it seems fun to cheat creatures out. However, this type of deck also seems super fun. This deck is a 'control combats' archetype. Meaning that there is a lot of ways to control your opponents creatures while simultaneously attacking multiple people at once with your own.

The goal of this deck is to kill multiple opponents at the same time in a casual way. I saw multiple kaalia of the vast decks where they'd combo people to death with hidetsugu and wound reflection type of stuff. That wouldn't really be cool in my play group.

The game plan is to control your opponents through forcing them into combats. Then when your opponents are defenseless strike them all at the same time with your OWN creatures.

You don't need to cast your commander until you know you can control the board. We want to be able to cast our commander by turn 3 if possible. Although I will say, you will likely not want to cast your commander right away unless you know you can control the board. If you commander gets killed over and over again it's going to be very annoying. This deck should still be able to run without her just fine.

For Ramp we tried to have as much fast mana as possible, we want at least 1 of these in our opening hand:

Then we have big mana for closing out games:

For card advantage we want things that revolve around creatures, etb, ltb, combat damage:

Then for quick impulse draw when we need it:

And finally for slow consistent draw:

Controlling other plays comes in two different packages, spot removal and goading. Removing their main pieces of their game plan will altar their plans significantly, then you can goad all their stuff into attacking your other opponents so they can't retaliate. The goad package is as follows:

For our removal we have nothing but destroy spells but we focus on any non-land target spells as our spells of choice. Obviously instant speed is required.

We also have some minor spells that slow our opponents down such as the following:

Our protection package includes stuff that we can cast for free possibly or cheap:

The everyone Everywhere All at Once Loses category is how we win our games, this focuses on giving threats myriad, multiple combats, heavy hitters, and myriad creatures themselves.

We also have a bunch of stuff that goads other peoples creatures so they can't attack us while also making our opponents suffer. It throughs a wrench in our opponents game plans heavily. Please see the Controlling our Opponents section.

Next, we have pieces that will buff our stuff to kill our opponents:

Finally, we have our haste enablers, since we're an aggro control deck we need our stuff to hit the second it's on the board. For these cards we tried to focus on haste enablers that had multiple functions:

Then to end the game and you're ready to win cast:

Akroma's Will

This will end it most likely.


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91% Casual


Revision 3 See all

(1 year ago)

Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

17 - 1 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.66
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Elephant 3-3 G, Treasure
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