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Scarecrow Shaman



So, it's always been my dream to play Scarecrows somewhere on a competitive level. It would so great if I could get some suggestions with this deck in making it faster or just more efficient in general.

Okay, so we have Fauna Shaman which is what fetches out Scarecrone. If possible, it's always best to throw Reaper King into the graveyard, and play it next turn with Scarecrone's ability.

Birds of Paradise and Lotus Cobra are for basic ramp.

Thirst for Knowledge is really good for digging through your deck and discarding Scarecrows to the graveyard that will be able to be played with Scarecrone.

The Sac>Draw engine that Scarecrone has is REALLY powerful and gives it lots of utility. Especially when paired with Wingrattle Scarecrow and Reaper King on the field.

Once the deck starts going, it's hard to stop. If anything, you want to target as much of their lands as possible before they can start answering your Scarcrows. Once you have them down to a safe number, you can commence to hitting them in the face with Scarecrow Power.

Suggestions from experienced players are highly appreciated. Just as much as +1's~



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Date added 12 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.40
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