on Anax and Cymede or Flamespeaker Adept if Aqueous Form is on it then put some Titan's Strength on them for crazy damages.
Flamespeaker Adept has nice synergy with all the scrys.
Spark Trooper is for some sustain and harrass
scrys deck for 2 and is nice blocker.
favourite card in this deck right now
Titan's Strength auto include for aggro
Aqueous Form makes creature unblockable and scry
Gods Willing some protection and scry
Portent of Betrayal
take control of strong creature enemy controls for a turn and scry
Lost in a Labyrinth
weakens enemy and scryy
Voyage's End
basically Unsummon and scryyy
Spark Jolt
some cheap damage and scry can also be played on Anax and Cymede to trigger heroic.
some fast winz
t1, lands
t2, lands,
maybe doesnt really matter
t3, lands, Flamespeaker Adept
t4,lands, Aqueous Form onto Flamespeaker Adept then
and Titan's Strength
scry twice so Flamespeaker Adept gets + 4 from its passive (Aqueous Form and Titan's Strength)
+3 from Titan's Strength and +1 from
so Flamespeaker Adept gets +8 making it do 10 damage double strike unblockable. 20 damage
t1, lands
t2, lands,
maybe doesnt really matter
t3, lands, Anax and Cymede
and 2 Titan's Strength) onto Anax and Cymede
triggers heroic 3 times so it gets +3 and trample+1
and +6 Titan's Strength so Anax and Cymede gets +10 making it do 13 double strike trample damage. 26 damage