Tonight was my first return to Standard and FNM since Dragon's Maze. There were 32 competitors with 5 rounds of Swiss and a Top 8 cutoff.
Round 1 - Mono White Angelic Accord 1-2
My only loss of the night. Game one I captured quickly with a fast Experiment One beatdown before my opponent could set up. Game 2 and 3 I got land flooded badly, managing only to field a Fleecemane Lion and an Archangel of Thune, both which were stopped dead in their tracks by Serra Angel and Seraph of the Sword. I sided in Boon Satyr and Scavenging Ooze but never drew them.
Round 2 - The Shambleshark Deck 2-0
Apparently Shambleshark has a deck now. Shows how much I've kept up with standard. I was slightly disappointed with the match - my opponent was stuck at 2 mana for both games and watched helplessly as I laid the beatdown.
Round 3 - Golgari Scavenge 2-0
His puny creatures were trampled over thanks to Advent of the Wurm Game 2 I ramped into Armada Wurm. That was fun.
Round 4 - Mono White Battalion 2-1
My opponent opened the first game with Soldier of the Pantheon, which made things a bit difficult since my mainboard is mostly multicolored. I got lucky with the draws and was able to remove his Soldiers with my own, utilizing Armada Wurm and Loxodon Smiter for a close victory. Before game 2, I swapped out as many multicolored creatures as possible and sided in everything. Yes. Everything. Game 2 was horrendous for me, as he fielded a turn 2 Imposing Sovereign that absolutely wrecked my setup while he battalioned for the win. If only I had 1 more turn I would have swung the game with Archangel of Thune Game 3 was much different. No Sovereign, just Soldiers, Daring Skyjek and Precinct Captain. Caryatid proved an excellent blocker as my Boon Satyrs and Wurm Tokens tore through his life total for a game 3 victory.
Round 5 - Jace/Aetherling Azorious (or the "Watch Me Draw Cards" deck) 2-1
I hate this deck. I absolutely loathe it. It's a cheap tactics deck for people who are too scared to play real Magic. OK, on to the match:
The first match he dropped AEtherling early much to my disdain. After a Detention Sphere, countless bounces, counters and a Supreme Verdict he took game one. I sided out Selesnya Charm, Ajani, Caller of the Pride and Sylvan Caryatid for Rootborn Defenses, Boon Satyr and Mistcutter Hydra. Game 2 I was estatic to have a Rootborn in my opening hand and proceeded to trickle Voice of Resurgence and Loxodon Smiter onto the field in order to lure his Detention Sphere and any other field shenanigans while awaiting the Verdict. It never came; he never drew his second white source, so I Smited him for victory. Game 3 was much more tactical, using Voices and Smiters to whittle him down. He used Sphinx's Revelation to buy a few turns and an Elspeth, Sun's Champion in a futile attempt to spawn chump blockers, but my Mistcutter Hydra and Advent of the Wurm took care of his last 10 life for match victory.
Top 8 match - Esper Control 2-0
His deck was just too slow. Sure he tried to manipulate my field with random removal, but in the end, a single Blood Baron of Vizkopa vs an army of angry elephants, wurms, angels and freaky deer things was too little, too late. Selesnya Charm secured the win both times with glorious buff and trample
Top 4 - Prize Split
Traditionally at our shop, the top 4 split the prize pot to save time (it's usually midnight by the time top 4 are announced) and so there are no hurt feelings. I'm listing my place as 3, as that's my best judgement as to what it really was.