This is the first deck i've ever created on this site. The deck is my own interpretation of the common Selesnya Token Aggro deck, with a lot more focus on tokens and populate.
The deck has many ways of spawning tokens. Advent of the Wurm, and Call of the Conclave, both are basically used to help flood the field and boost the strength of the Voice of Resurgence token that we hope to spawn fairly early on in the game. Selesnya Charm Will most likely be used to spawn a cheap token as well, but may be used get rid of an Olivia Voldaren or AEtherling after they've been boosted.
Once we get one or two tokens out we focus on populating them. Ideally we'd like to get Growing Ranks and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice out by turns 4 and 5 to help create a cycle of spawn and heal, while also bulking up our voice tokens (I'm considering adding a 3rd Trostani, replacing one of the loxodon smiters) but we have other means to populate. Druid's Deliverance and Rootborn Defenses are more useful against heavy aggro decks, allowing us to stall for a turn while populating our tokens.
After that we have or more utility cards. Avacyn's Pilgrim helps us get our bigger cards like Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Growing Ranks out earlier, which is incredibly useful in this deck. Loxodon Smiter is here simply as a good aggro beatstick, and a nice counter to the numerous flash and discard decks out in the metagame right now, though I really just like him because he's an elephant with a hammer. Everyone loves elephants with hammers
Our Land base is pretty simple here. We want the basic Forest and Plains in response to the large amount of players who use Burning Earth. Gavony Township is a great lategame card once we've stocked our field with enough tokens, making everyone even that much stronger.
Now I am a terrible sideboarder, so please bear with me here, and all recommendations are welcomed.
First off Scavenging Ooze is the perfect counter to numerous flashback decks, and has become a wonderful counter to Snapcaster Mage. Sundering Growth Will be useful when faced against decks heavy in artifacts or equipment. Sigarda, Host of Herons was one I almost put in my deck, but felt she didn't provide enough long term benefit as I would think. I mean, yes, it would be great to get her out on the field when I have alot of tokens, but that's assuming every game I manage to flood tokens like I'd like, which I probably won't, so she's sideboarded for now. Coursers' Accord I have to replace a couple Call of the Conclave if I find myself flooded with too much mana in some games, and Wayfaring Temple is there in case I find it more difficult than I thought to get out my Voice token
Well thanks for looking through this deck. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas on how to improve it.