My version of the Shadowborn Apostle deck.Shadowborn ApostlePrimer
Shadowborn Apostle - Main part and 32 of in the deck, I don't like the idea of having anything under 30 of these. Having 30 guarantees I will get 6. There once was a build that had 23, and it got out Griselbrand on turn 7- late game, or never. I want ot have gris on turn 3-5.
Xathrid Necromancer - 2 of in main deck. It's overpowered if you are able to get him out, all your Shadowborn Apostle get replace, so when you sack them for Griselbrand, you get 6 2/2 zombies, and a 7/7 flying lifelink fattie. Over the top overpowered when you have two out.
Immortal Servitude
- 2 of in main deck. You just keep getting those demons and blockers.
Dismember - 2 of in main deck. Gets rid of Delver of Secrets
, Tarmogoyf, Monastery Swiftspear, and our greatest enemy, Young Pyromancer.
Demon of Death's Gate - OP. (two of in main deck)
Griselbrand- Need I say more?
Reaper from the Abyss - Kills a Tarmogoyf and other annoying junk.
Shadowborn Demon
, it is horrible in comparison to Reaper from the Abyss. Just look at them side by side, reaper is much better.
Reaper from the Abyss
Shadowborn Demon
Last but not least, Thoughtseize, it gets rid of birthing pod, splinter twin, and removal toward your big demons.
If you liked this primer (my first) please +1 and comment. I am working on my sideboard.