Varolz, the Scar-Striped, as a card, has always captivated me. It's unique ability functions outstandingly with cards like Death's Shadow and Vexing Devil. I've always wondered if it could ever find a place competitively. This deck is the cumulation of years of brewing, play testing, revisions and such, so I would really appreciate if you could would spend the time and take a look at it.
I'm not much of a competitive player, but I do want to buy into modern. I've tried to design this deck to be as competitive as possible. I'll lay out the combo, then we'll look at all the pieces.
The deck runs 14 cards for scavenging, the most ideal being Death's Shadow. Ideally, use Fauna Shaman to discard high-power creatures and tutor either Varolz himself, Lotleth Troll, or whatever you need (in games 2 and 3 Reclamation Sage can become good to find). Scavenge your high power creatures onto any number of your own creatures, from the evasive Birds of Paradise to Lotleth Troll.
The Namesake Himself:
Varolz, the Scar-Striped
The inspiration for the deck, Varolz comes in turn four usually, because by that point I usually have enough stuff in the the yard I can win then and their. He can also regenerate himself by sacrificing Birds of Paradise or Fauna Shaman and stuff of the like.
Scavenge Creatures:
Death's Shadow is ideal, getting me 13 +1/+1 counters for only one black. This is the most essential card in the deck aside Varolz himself.
Phyrexian Soulgorger stays for a turn as an emergency blocker, and can even stay for more if you have things your willing to sacrifice, but it still dumps itself in the yard.
Vexing Devil is fun. Turn one devil will not only hit my opponent for 4, it will also get me four counters for one red. And even if it stays, they have to waste removal, and then I still get value out of it - four counters for one red.
Nova Chaser and Myr Superion are the weaker scavenge creatures in the deck - Nova Chaser can sac itself as it enters, but is more useful for tutoring via Fauna Shaman, and in the yard it can finish games. Myr Superion can be hard cast, in theory,but it needs a way to get into the yard, it doesn't on its own.
Graveyard Interaction and Discard:
Necromancer's Stockpile as a 1-off seems to work well for me - it lets me discard and draw, and I can get rid of Lotleth Trolls to make zombies, seeing as how the Stockpile itself is a good discard outlet.
Grisly Salvage is also a 1-off, although their were more before the release of Grim Flayers, which I'll get to soon. It lets me dig three deep and grab stuff into my hand, and usually is worth playing at only two.
Lotleth Troll is very strong for this deck; it lets me discard creatures to make itself bigger, and also regenerates. I find it, in most situations, better than Grim Flayer, seeing as how it's ability is free, or at least not triggered, and it can regenerate. In matches with more removal, I tend to bring in a Lotleth Troll and side out Grim Flayer, also brining in other things depending. However, it tramples, and I find is slightly more effective than stacking counters on Varloz himself.
Grim Flayer is a more recent addition. Like Lotleth Troll, it can makes itself bigger, and they both fill my yard. However, here's the catch. Flayer's ability lets me effectively Scry 3 and then dump what I don't want in the yard. This lets me find Varolz quicker, dump scavenge stuff, and the flayer buff's itself. With trample, it becomes lethal if stacked with counters. However, it doesn't regenerate, so I side it out against removal.
Fauna Shaman is the card that makes this deck tick. It dumps stuff in the yard whilst fetching up any creature I need. It can tutor me varolz on turn three, and if I have Birds of Paradise I can start going off. It can also chain cards for scavenging every turn late game, letting me have a constant supply of graveyard fuel. And if it comes to it, I can always sac it to keep Varolz alive.
Hand Manipulation and Removal:
Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize are musts for removing bolts and from enemy hands, stopping my opponent from hitting fauna shamans and Varolz when I don't have any way to protect them. Inquisition can, if need-be, let me put my own things in the yard, but I recommend against it.
Abrupt Decay and Maelstrom Pulse are format staples for a reason - they hit the cards I don't want, and they come in handy against most matches. I end up siding more in if I'm facing anything where removal is needed.
Birds of Paradise can lead to a turn to varolz, but can more importantly let me turn three Varolz and swing in that turn. Also, as a flyer, it can get +1/+1 counters itself, allowing me to swing in with evasion.
Evolution Charm may seem like a weird card to mainboard, but it works well - it ramps if I really need it to, it can bring stuff back to my hand if I loose it or mill it, and it can give my creatures flying - key for making sure damage gets through.
The lands are relatively budget, as I'm not made of gold. Grim Backwoods can be fun late game. I do have one of every fetch, and I like the way the lands work for me in most situations. Dryad Arbor is gold for this deck - it protects my powerful creatures from Liliana of the Veil, and can scavenge for one +1/+1 counter for zero. Varolz can also sac it to regenerate, and then you get a +1/+1 counter. Ideal.
Bonfire of the Damned: This is a really fun card for the sideboard. I board it in against Spirits, Affinity and Zoo primarily, and it seems to work well.
Chalice of the Void: I board in a pair of these against affinity, a turn zero chalice can wreck them if I'm on the play. I play it turn two against burn and such, a must-have.
Evolution Charm: I board it in if I'm facing a lot of removal or blood moon, also good against any deck that can chump for days.
Ratchet Bomb: Wrecks affinity, sometimes burn and zoo.
Golgari Charm: It can save me from some board wipes and target removal, hits key enchantments (looking at you, blood moon), and can also destroy tokens.
Guttural Response: It saves me from counterspells. Some removal can be avoided by regenerate abilities, but this is great against counter effects.
Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize: Board in more against combo.
Lotleth Troll: It comes in whenever I'm facing a lot of removal or if my opponent enjoysPathing my creatures and I need to discard.
Necromancer's Stockpile: Onky if it's too unsafe to cast creatures straight to the yard.
Reclamation Sage: artifact and enchantment removal tutor able via Fauna Shaman; always nice.
That's It! Thanks for reading!