So this is a blue/black Innistrad Zombies deck, if ya couldn't tell. The goal is to go kinda aggro the first couple of turns with Ghouls and Gravecrawlers, follow up with a Captain or Messenger turn 3, and finally, kick ass with Grimgrin turn 5. Gravecrawler is the perfect engine for the Corpse-Born, and he works great with Geralf's Messenger too. He serves as a sac outlet to trigger Diregraf Captain's and Blood Artist's abilities and gets big and eats their face. If he can't stomp through, that's when Essence Harvest comes into play. Hitting my opponent for 23 damage and gaining 23 life seems decent. A great combo is 4 or more creature + Blood Artist+ Killing Wave for 3. I also have intrinsic answers in the form of Doom Blades and Dissipates. The biggest wincon in the deck is to get Grimgrin, Gravecrawler, Rooftop Storm, and a Captain or an Artist as an infinite sac-lifeloss combo. That's what Increasing Ambition is for. Syncopate is in sideboard for more countering, Devour Flesh is a final trick with Grimgrin or a way to get rid of annoying hexproof crap like Geist of Saint Traft or Invisible Stalker. Murder is for Zombie, Vampire, or Werewolf decks, and Human Frailty for Humans. And Evil Twin just makes it fun with Messenger or to hit their Angel of Serenity, Thragtusk, whatever. P.S.: Great name too, if I do, say so mahself.
EDIT: Changes mean for no more infinite combos, but the deck functions better now. Lily's Reaver is a great ultimatum. Deathtouch says you don't wanna block, damage trigger says you do. Thought Scour is nice to dig with. Lifebane Zombie will handle stupid stuff like Armada Wurm, Loxodon Smiter, Archangel of Thune, Fiendslayer Paladin, etc.