

Over several Drafts, Fat Packs, and random Booster Packs I've found myself excited about pulling some big cards but haven't had a place for them. Don't you hate it when that happens?

When I got Sorin in our SOI Draft I won every game that I got to use him, but then didn't have a deck to even modify to make room. My wife came home from the store with "something for everyone" and when I opened the single booster and found Avacyn hiding in the back I was like, "Holy crap! These are $50 right now, what am I going to do with just one of them?". Sell it, probably would have been smart but I'm not much for selling off cards. Trade it, probably could have built a whole deck in trade but I wanted to find a home. I was fortunate to pull 3 Declarations from random packs, again with no specific home. Same thing with Anguished Unmaking and To the Slaughter. Most recently I've ended up with 2 copies of Gisela and now I've got this small stack of very powerful cards that just have to get used.

This list ended up being rather expensive (for me), but I actually have about $130 of it already and it's now in range to consider purchasing singles.

The main card that got the thought process going was one of the first big pulls, and that was Sorin, Grim Nemesis. He's expensive to put down but his +1 ability is a real bomb if you accompany him with a lot of expensive casting costs. Angels in particular are very mana heavy. Everybody Flying and potentially having Vigilance as well from Always Watching can finish off most opponents with just a few short combats, especially if they got into your hand from Sorin.

I don't care what you say, I like Remorseless Punishment . If you drop it on turn 5 as soon as you have the mana, you're either going to cripple your opponents hand, board, or life total. At 5 mana to drop it works well with Sorin's +1, and any combination of the 3 "modes" for that 5 mana is good value. I'm ok with it being a cheap rare, that just makes winning even sweeter when you pull that crap out and your opponent rolls their eyes at your budget play and then you proceed to win.

Always Watching is a big threat that pairs very nicely with Archangel of Tithes and is a nice bonus with Blood-Cursed Knight . Pretty self explanatory, its a good card.

Archangel of Tithes is a great way to sink your opponents mana. You can either leave her untapped and attack with other creatures, or just relentlessly barrage your opponent with Always Watching . She is definitely more effective if you are playing against weenies or tokens or anyone that wants to spread out, but even that 1-2 mana that goes into attacking or defending could stop other cards from being played or force your opponent to be a lot more passive.

Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim was another Legendary that I pulled and didn't have a clue where to use her. Obviously an Orzhov deck is a good place to start, but her abilities actually could do some nice work. You can can sacrifice another creature to gain a decent amount of life or get rid of almost any threat, but it can also trigger Archangel Avacyn   to flip if you drop a Blood-Cursed Knight or a Drana's Emissary. This would pretty much be a one-off event, but since you get to do it on your terms it should mean that you are about to win the game.

Aegis Angel came out of a W16 promo pack and once again, had no place to call home. As a 6 cost Angel she fits right in here. Another great draw from Sorin, protection for something like Gisela, the Broken Blade to ensure repeat lifegain, and decent against board wipe (depending on what kind) because when everything dies simultaneously the protected creature gets to live. If nothing else, a 5/5 Flyer that is likely to be a 6/6 Flyer with Vigilance is a nice asset to the battlefield but the added protection is a great bonus.

Bruna, the Fading Light is the weaker sister for sure, but her cast ability is actually pretty sweet since it can bring any Angel back to the Battlefield. Obviously intended to Meld with Gisela, but if you don't have Gisela in the graveyard there are plenty of other targets that make the really high casting cost worth it as a two for one. 5/7 Flying and Vigilance isn't terrible anyway, and the 7 cmc once again works great with Sorin.

Serra Angel is an ageless beauty that has intimidated the board since the very beginnings of Magic. I'll never forget the original iconic artwork, but I am really pleased with the current iteration that has been around since 9th edition. 7th and 8th edition made her look like a goon... but I digress...

Blood-Cursed Knight and Drana's Emissary are there for a couple of reasons, the first being that they are the only non-Angel creatures in the deck to trigger Avacyn's flip ability. They both also give you plays in the turns before you can afford any of the other angels which all cost between 4-7 mana. They do also bring a bit of life gain to the table which fits with a lot of other cards in the deck, and being multicolored creatures they get around silly spot removal like Ultimate Price. The Knight is actually a solid creature when paired with Always Watching because he becomes a 3 drop 5/4 with Lifelink and Vigilance. I like it.

To the Slaughter, Anguished Unmaking, Declaration in Stone, and Blighted Fen (to an extent) make up the early game control to buy time until you hit your stride with more cost intensive cards. They also mirror cards already owned with no home but fit well with the overall tech of the deck.

The sideboard is made up almost entirely of more control options. I'm not sure if that's even necessary but I stand behind Virulent Plague as an answer to tokens and Self-Inflicted Wound is a fun anti-Bant/Selesnya card. Subjugator Angel is one of my favorite new Angels but just wasn't enough to make the main board. I like Campaign of Vengeance but I'm not sure if I'll be allowed (or even need) to keep more than one or two creatures on the board. I think it's more for cheaper decks that can flood the board and really stack up the loss/gain from it, but for now it's there. Collective Brutality is one of my favorite Escalate cards and I think it has a place in any black deck for disruption and small spot removal. It definitely fits better where you can take advantage of the discard with Madness, but I still like it. Collective Effort is another fun Escalate card with some nice options. It has removal for both a creature and enchantment, and giving your field a buff can't hurt either. Rising Miasma I like over Languish for no good reason other than it could wipe your opponents board and your own creatures will always be fine. The added option of Awaken is just a bonus. Finally, Ultimate Price is a good removal card. I hate it as someone that typically plays mono-colored decks or two colored decks that feature very few multicolored creatures, but you can't argue that it's good removal.

And that pretty much sums it up. Sorin's harem of big, angry Angels. Not meant to win fast, but meant to win big. If you are allowed to drop and keep Sorin, you're going to have an easy time winning. You may even be able to -9 him for a TON of 1/1 Lifelinkers (which would actually be amazing with that Campaign of Vengeance).

Thanks for reading, don't forget to +1 and drop your thoughts into the comments section :)


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So this will be the last update because once Ixalan rains Dinosaurs and Pirates onto Standard the majority of this deck will have rotated out and I'll absolutely be getting my Dino on.

Anyway, the deck to beat right now is Zombies. I played the top Zombie deck with ALL of my current Standard decks and this one was the only one that could actually beat it. It was beyond frustrating, but it made me realize that this deck is still really good and completely viable even against the top tier decks in Standard. This will require a decent overhaul and purchasing some more cards but totally worth it since this is also very fun to play and very rewarding.

MVP cards in this particular matchup that also perform well in other matchups are Declaration in Stone and Harsh Scrutiny. Disrupting their turn 1 or turn 2 play with Scrutiny by removing a key creature from their hand is incredibly clutch, especially if you are on the play. The Scry 1 is just icing. Once the Zombie Horde floods the board, Dec in Stone is just way too good. It's also great to get rid of Lord of the Accursed which is about the only non-token zombie that I ever see multiples of. Exile is just too good also since it keeps things from crawling right back... These both need full playsets, if not in the Main then at least access to full sets via the Sideboard.

Anguished Unmaking was another power play to get rid of Liliana's Mastery or Liliana herself. Again, Exile when used on things like Relentless Dead to stop the recursion of Zombies is pretty clutch. It also ensures that something like Diregraf Colossus doesn't drop down with a bazillion counters on it. This is another catch all permanent removal card that needs to be available with a full playset.

Fumigate won't need a full set, especially with Hour of Revelation coming soon as a discount board wipe that will probably pair up to make a set of 4. The life gain from Fumigate probably makes it strictly better in this particular matchup as you'll need all the life you can get, but a 3 mana Sweeper is always incredibly tempting. On that note it may be worth considering Bontu's Last Reckoning as another 3 mana sweeper but I'm not sure this is the right place for that. I've also put some consideration towards Cataclysmic Gearhulk. most likely a sideboard one of.

Now that Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld appears to be out of the limelight and her cost has come down I think it's time to go up to a full set. Cost was the only reason I didn't have 4 in the first place, and now they are manageable. I'm not sure what to cut down, but Restoration Gearsmith was my initial thought. The grave robbing is awesome, but it's not always as dynamic as I'd hoped. Still a great card that I'll leave in the sideboard, but for the same mana "Princess Bubblegum" just does more work. The First Strike, Flying, and Lifelink are all just too good not to, and since she is within a Revolted Fatal Push from death and easily shot down with Dark Salvation. Seriously, screw that card. Melding into Brisela, Voice of Nightmares  Flip  Meld  Meld has such unbelievable power VS Zombies because the ONLY card that could stop it would require 10 or more Zombies on the field for -10/-10 (Dark Salvation). Obviously the current Zombie decks can absolutely shit out more than 10 Zombies via tokens, but unless they already have several on the field that isn't super likely. 21 Mana to do it from an empty board and that ain't gonna happen. I assume it would take closer to 7-13 mana to do enough realistically which unfortunately is possible. However, not one of the Zombies in the deck could be hard cast anyway so they'd either have to already be out or Liliana's Mastery would have to make a few first and that's just too slow.

High CMC considerations that may be interesting are Approach of the Second Sun and Cruel Reality. Sorin, Grim Nemesis is an absolute beast and his +1 for card advantage and damage is just amazing. Both of these cards would hit hard and give me either repeatable creature destruction with eventual massive damage repercussions or gain a decent chunk of life followed by an eventual win condition that gets past a stalled board. Seriously, some of these games went 15-20 turns before anyone could win because of all the spot removal.

Cast Out is just a really good Magic card. I think it has a place in any deck with access to White, and it deserves a spot here. Angel of Sanctions also fits the bill and I'd like to try at least one.

I'm considering Winged Shepherd as a high CMC card that synergizes well with Sorin that I can also ditch cheaply for another card and could, if needed, even buy back with Bruna or the Gearsmith. Not sure, but it seems alright. I wish for 6 mana it was a bigger body like a 4/4, but whatever. Still just thinking on this guy. Actually, I just noticed Angel of the God-Pharaoh leaked for Hour of Devastation which is a 4/4 Flying for 6 and Cycling... Hmmm...

Trespasser's Curse seems like a funny sideboard option against the Zombie matchup. Go ahead and flood the board, burn for it. Also, follow up with Dec in Stone before they get to attack for full value. It also works pretty well in matchups that involve infinite Thopter tokens or at least massive token drops as well as Servos and other wide strategies.

Never / Return? Useful spot removal that is probably better than To the Slaughter at least in this match because you can choose what to kill, but at Sorcery speed. I love the fact that the actual CMC of the card is 7 though. Sorin approves. Might give this a try as well, at least as a two of. Exiling for a token is meh, but to remove creatures from your opponent's graveyard is solid. The CMC alone makes this a strictly better Ruinous Path even at Sorcery speed for this specific deck. I like the dual purpose of it as well.

Oracle's Vault? It's a slow deck that can afford the turns it would take to get online. Probably going to skip this one, but it's something I'd classify as "Mehby".

Gideon's Defeat seems more Meta dependent, but Liliana's Defeat is crazy powerful, especially against Zombies. It's interesting that this would also work against Nicol Bolas since he is Black, which leads me to believe that this will be an expensive sideboard staple for Standard, at least until Liliana and her Zombies go away. Hmmm...

I never used Behold the Beyond in this deck, but I'm reconsidering it as another high CMC payoff card for Sorin that has a sweet effect (taking any 3 cards to your hand right out of your Library could be amazingly clutch). Maybe. Just going back through my options in Standard.

Call for Unity? Kill my stuff or I flicker/sacrifice my own stuff and my stuff gets bigger. Might be a bigger threat than Angel of Invention as far as field buffs since there aren't as many focuses on Enchantment removal (at least not as many as creature removal). I don't know, I took out Always Watching because I don't get to be all that wide very consistently. I do like the Angel because it essentially trades with 3 unbuffed Zombie Tokens while gaining two life to mitigate the damage from a 4th. It did alright when I needed it to. I'd usually rather play it as a 4/3 with Lifelink but it just dies too easy with Salvation anyway, and they always have Salvation...

Cliffhaven Vampire? A weird choice, but here's my thought process. It's a decent CMC which fits the theme with Sorin. Higher toughness means I get more value if I dodge Exile or chump block a huge fatty and sacrifice it to Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim. It also adds extra damage whenever I gain life which is something I do quite regularly, especially if I do end up using Trespasser's Curse. It having Flying doesn't suck, and it can safely block 2/2 and 3/3 Zombies. Maybe a one of Defiant Bloodlord is easier to squeeze into the sideboard. It also says they lose "that much life" which means Gisela, Brusela, and Angel of Invention practically have Double Strike. I'm leaning more in this direction.

Distended Mindbender? High CMC, love the effect, wish it had Flash. Probably not, but thinking out loud I really like this guy.

Emeria Shepherd is such a cool Angel I can't believe I didn't consider it before. I think it's just because I didn't have one and wasn't looking but I think there needs to be one of these, especially if I cut back on Gearsmiths. This can even bring back Sorin, guys. Seriously, this is an amazing card. Exquisite Archangel falls 100% into this same category. Why not?

Ever After? Another one I had considered and dismissed. Having second thoughts again, straight to the battlefield is pretty sweet, especially since that will likely be 10-12 CMC worth of creatures.

Linvala, the Preserver? Seems equally likely that you'd be gaining 5 life and a 3/3 Flying Angel Token in the Zombie matchup. If there's a slot in the sideboard I could make a case for one of these. Not as dynamic as other options, though.

Victory's Herald? All attacking creatures gain Lifelink? Ok, that's got a bit of potential... The triple white is a concern for reliability, but not if I cheat it out from the graveyard... How very interesting...

Void Winnower? Doesn't do jack against Zombies really other than having a huge CMC for Sorin (I've always wanted to dome somebody with an Eldrazi using Sorin...), but this combined with a melded Brusela really puts the screws to opponents and I've always wanted to pair the two in the same deck. I've been team mates in Two Headed Giant games with people that can make this pair happen so I know it's very scoop-inducing.

So it turns out I have a TON of options to reconsider since I last updated this deck at the Kaladesh release. With so many top decks getting neutered from card bannings it seems the deck to beat is either Mono-Black Zombies or Orzhov Zombies and I'm certain this deck can get the job done. Hopefully it doesn't end up costing me an arm and a leg since I haven't packed very many of these additions at all...


Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors URG

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 2 Mythic Rares

24 - 8 Rares

5 - 3 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.92
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Angel of Sanctions 3/4 W, Clue, Servo 1/1 C, Vampire Knight 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Save, Control, To Build in Paper, W/B Angel Build Ideas, ideas, Decks I'm Probably Going to buy for shits and giggles, mine
Ignored suggestions
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