Some notes:
Arc Trail-
the single arc trail main board is a meta choice. I could add another instigator (if i had one) and dropa mark of mutiny on the sideboard (i aready have tunnel ignus and jinxed idol vs valakut ramp).
3 4cc card-
Between the main and side, i have 1x hero of oxid ridge, 1x koth of the hammer, and 1x bonehoard. I like the hero and coth against control and valakut; and the bonehoard against other aggressive decks where there is alot of removal. Hero is also good against agressive decks since their creature power is so low. However, sometime i side out both hero and koth, bring in the bonehoard, and take out a contested warzone since they aren't as good agianst agressive decks. I think having the 3 4cc cards allows easier sideboarding and give me bombs that are always nice to see, but will never slow down the deck (there are only ever 2 in the deck at a time).
Chimeric Mass and Panic Spellbomb-
i have 2x of each because they are each good in different situations. Spellbomb is underwhelming against control i find because it only really stops wall of omens. Whereas the mass survives a DoJ. So i side out the spellbombs for crushes (for swords). however, against valakut, the mass comes after the pyroclasm/slagstorm anyway, but the spellbomb is good for getting through battlements andthrough the titan when i only need a little bit of damage to win. So i side out the masses for jinxed idols.
Some thoughts on improvements:
I cant decide if I like ornithopter or not. Too often is just sits there as a blocker for 2 or 3 turns before I get some battle cry out. It works especially well with signal pest (though it feels kinda lame to attack with two creatues to only do 1 damage) However, with the rise of squadron hawks it may good as a blocker against swordhawks to give me an extra turn. I can also throw a bonehoard on it if I ever get to that point in the game. I could take out panic spellbomb or chimeric mass for 1 or 2 thopters. what do you think?
Goblin Ruinblaster
Should I add goblin ruinblaster for mana disruption? If so take out what? The jinxed idols (not particularly strong against the hawks) or the tunnel ignus (ruinblaster can be used against valukut) maybe one of each? To me the ruinblaster seems a little slow since its 4 cc and I kinda liked having the 3 4cc cards rotate with each other.
Should I go add shatter for crush? Or go a 2-1 split? I like the shatter just in case I run into surprises (tezz, forgemaster, wurmcoil) but really I need to deal with equipments which crush is great for.
Contested War Zone
Should I go down to 2 and go to 20 mountains? I love them because they are more battlecry effects. However with hawks in the skies and all the aggro in my meta they may be too unreliable. They also dont make red mana which bushwhacker and wardriver need. I havent had much time to playtest them since I only recently added them.
Thoughts on the lone instigator and wardrivers? I run the instigator cuz I have him and love him so much, but really I end up siding him out a lot. Same with the wardrivers, they all synergize well with the chieftains, but Im beginning to think the goblin route may not be fast enough (never thought I would say goblins arent fast enough, been playing them for almost a decade, favorite tribe ever) if I took out 2 wardrivers, 1 instigator, and 3 chieftains, what should I add? Or should I add more goblins? I could take out the spellbomb, arc trail (move it to side and take out a mark of mutiny) and the chimeric mass and add 3x spikeshot elder, and maybe 2x trusty machete. Or I could just max out the chieftains and war drivers and add more instigators, I dont know, would need to test more and I dont have any more chieftains or instigators.
You may have noticed my deck runs a lot of 1-ofs and 2-ofs unlike most kuldotha decks that are mostly 4-ofs. I admit this makes my draws look very different every time, and may make some sideboard plans less reliable. But I think it adds more variation to the deck and will surprise people more often. One game I may drop a koth, then the next I will overrun with a hero. One game I may drop memnite ornithopter and a pest into double whacker + bolt (21 damage by turn 3), then the next hit with a guide, an instigator, a chieftain, and 2 wardrivers and a hero (33 damage turn 4).
Things Ive tried:
Chandras Bombardment
This deck uses a playset of raid bombardment and chandras spitfire. Also 4 ornithopters for flying with the raid. It was great at turn 4/5 flying kills and still had the chance for the earlier turn with the kuldotha shell (memnites, bushwhackers, rebirths). When I played this deck I did not yet have my goblin guides so I dont know exactly how good it could be, but I beat vampires pretty handily with it (I ran main deck 3 arc trail 4 bolt, and 4 galvanic blast for big Chandras hits so I had enough removal). However, squadron hawks ruin my day because they just chump block for 4 turns or eat the removal that should be hitting my opponent to pump chandras. It was also weaker to targeted removal (though the chandras and the raid survive pyroclasm to hit for 5 alone the next turn). Nonetheless, I had a great deal of fun playing it and would definitely recommend it and would love to see anyones list and hear about how it worked (or didnt as the case may be) for them.
Perilous Myr
I have tried this card a little and havent been impressed. I know it kills kor firewalker, but for some reason I never had it when I needed it. Also turn three rebirths are a bit underwhelming, even if they do 2 damage, id much rather draw a card with panic spellbomb (or ichor wellspring =P). Really it would only be good with a bushwhacker as well on turn 3. However, if people still think its really good I may try it again since I really didnt test very much with it.Things Ive wanted to try:
Ichor wellspring
I love this card but 3rd turn rebirths just arent very good and I cant always count on having a rebirth to sac it. I like the spellbomb more because I can play it turn one and then sac it to rebirth and draw a card turn 2. Anyone having any success with this card? It would also be good in a deck with piston sledge.
TukTuk the explorerThis looks like a really cool card aswell. However, I think it costs one too much, Id rather pay 2 and get a 4/4 or even a 3/3 after it dies. Tuktuk comes into play one turn after pyroclasm, which is what he is best against. Also, I dont have any way to sac him besides blocking (or getting blocked, which is rare). Though it should be noted that he is a goblin (aswell as the golem) and so benefits from instigator and chieftain. I will probably find a way to fit him in and try him at some point.
Devastating Summons
I think this is a really cool spell, but its too much of a last ditch effort for me. I dont usually plan on hanging onto my bushwhackers (would rather play them and get that last attack in before the pyroclasm then save them for after it personally) and they just cripple you so much when played. I would much rather play something like the Hero for the big finish than the summons, though they are very cool, I think they work better in their own deck (maybe with assault strobe and kiln fiend, another creature witch I love) I have a playset of these so I may try them if people think they are good.
Molten-tail Masticore
I have heard good things about this card but never tried it myself. It seems like a last ditch effort (kinda like devastating bushwhacker) because you are discarding every turn and are probably out of gas already. However, I do see its merits vs control and especially midrange decks. I just dont think its better than koth, bonehoard, and Hero of Oxid Ridge. Koth and the hero have haste. And the bonehoard is just huge and doesnt go away without artifact removal (and the germ avoids doomblades =P) molten tail is really the only one you cant just drop and then forget and continue looking for topdeck answers, while the others you can. My friend has a copy so I may borrow it and try it out.
Mox opal
Actually I dont want to try this because I hate them, but I figure I should at least test it out. However, I dont own any and am not going to buy them so I probably wont be able to. I do see the possibility for explosive draws, but it also seems like a dead card so much of the time.
Ive seen some versions that run many more artifacts like flayer husks, all 4 chimeric masses, the playset of ornithopters, and the mox opals. This allows them to use galvanic blast as their burn of choice, which is very strong indeed. If I ever get mox opal this might be a version to test, but I just dont think the flayer husks and other artifacts are efficient enough.
Goblin equipment
Ive also wanted to try the gaveleer/spikeshot/equiptment route but it doesnt seem as strong, it would be mostly just for fun. If you have played with or against a goblin equipment deck and would like to offer insight/stories I would be glad to hear them. I could even throw in piston sledge and ichor wellspring =P.