Simic evolution deck built around prophet of Kruphix and Kiora. Slight control and big hitters. Would like feedback on the deck and all advice is wanted :D
~~Lets Begin~~
3x Boon Satyr to evolve, bestow or flash when needed.
3x Experiment One as a strong one drop that keeps growing
3x Kalonian Hydra I love this card. Once it is played, it has to be dealt with. Works well with Flash from Prophet of Kruphix
3x Polukranos, World Eater is one of the strongest 4 drop cards in the format as a 5/5
3x Prophet of Kruphix for flashing creatures and untapping mana for counters
3x Sylvan Caryatid Great mana producer that has hexpoof and does well at slowing down aggro decks
2x Jace, Architect of Thought one of the best planeswalkers in the format to slow down aggro, card draw and if game is slow enough, ultimate wins games.
3xKiora, the Crashing Wave is a stretch of a card. It can hold off one strong permanent. Can be used to draw cards and play another land as well as in 3 turns makes 9/9 game winning bros
I love Primeval Bounty in this deck. Its a great end game finisher that snowballs out of control. WithProphet of Kruphix untapping that 6 mana you just casted. Makes this card a game winner
3x Cyclonic Rift is a great card because it slows down your opponent. Can be used for strong combat tricks or overloaded to win games.
3x Dissolve for control with Scry. Who doesn't like to scry 1?
3x Simic Charm for great combat tricks, board control or protect your board
2x Syncopate has a place to slow down the start of the game or help finish a game
2x Gainsay for blue matchup
2x Mistcutter Hydra for control and blue matchup
2x Naturalize for an instant speed god or weapon destroyer
2x Pithing Needle to remove some pesky cards from causing trouble such as pact rat and Mutavault any annoying planeswalkers
2x Plummet for big flyers at instant speed
2x Rapid Hybridization to remove big treats or some interesting combo tricks
2x Savage Summoning for control match up to make sure you get past silly little counter cards
There is the deck!!!! Hope you can comment and give feedback!! Below are other decks I am looking at maybe using this next format change