I have been doing a bunch of brewing with skred recently. I have mainly been trying to add another color to diversify the deck a little bit... then it dawned on me... why not keep it mono red? This build aims to keep skred red as a true red deck. Like previous builds of skred this one focuses on getting Blood Moon out FAST. SO MANY modern decks can not deal with this card in game one. I also realized there is another card that SO MANY modern decks can not deal with in game one... Ensnaring Bridge. The thing these two cards have in common is a 3 cmc casting cost. Each of these cards can easily come out turns one, two or three. To put a nail in the coffin and to SIGNIFICANTLY improve my game 1 vs burn and heavy aggro I have also included Trinisphere. This card is here to stall the game long enough for me to get going and to just mess up some select decks in the format. Overall, this build have 3 INCREDIBLY strong hate cards and aims to get a free win in game one then grind out game two by bringing in my 4 spellskites to protect my hate cards. I am blanking on other protection type spells / creatures so if anyone can think of some it would be appreciated. So far play tests have been VERY promising. Let me know what you all think.
Now with all of this being said this list just loses to Leyline of Sanctity. The only decent answer I can think of it Ratchet Bomb. If anyone can think of something else id love to hear it.
The other cards I am afraid of out of the side are Creeping Corrosion and Fracturing Gust as they do not target. With that being said these cards are not overly played but you do see them occasionally.
As with all decks on tapped out please play test before commenting :-)
MB Hate
Blood Moon: The original hate card of skred. Smack down a blood moon vs 3 colored decks and your opponent will cry tears of salt as it will shut them out of the game.
Ensnaring Bridge: There are so many aggro decks that do not have a MB way of dealing with this card. Hiding behind a bridge while ulting a koth or chandra is incredibly lethal.
Pyretic Ritual: Significantly increases the likelihood of a turn 1-2 Blood Moon, Ensnaring Bridge or Trinisphere.
Simian Spirit Guide: Enables turn one plays of any of my hate cards when played alongside a ritual.
Win Cons
Koth of the Hammer: A very lethal card on an empty board. Especially lethal when hiding behind a bridge.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance: Slowly but surely she will get the job done. Also serves as card advantage.
If all else fails burn em!