Well I was very happy not to see Eldrazi until much later. My record goes as such.
Match 1: First match against Blue Tron: Kept a fairly good hand for any matchup. I didn't have blood moon or anything amazing but nothing bad. But he got ugin out and exiled My shit. then punched me with ulamog game two. I turn two'd a bloodmoon but then didn't have much else lost after all. 0/0/2 to them
Match 2: White blue Control. Another good exploratory hand does the right thing and catches them by surprise with Boros and blasphemous act for 13 after they took a vexing devil and bolt. Blue White sides in life gain cards. I side in Leyline of Punishment and he hits 4 lifegain cards he sided in in the first 8 turns which is really long time because he kept counters up and such.. control being control. but I didn't hit any leylines or bloodmoon or enough. Same for game 3
Match 3: Against a Knowledge pool lock out deck. Normal game one, he has a little control. I dunno what's going on but I win. So no Sideboard. Game two he gets god hand and locks me out completely by turn 5. Now I knwo whats up so I kill him by turn 4 with a god hand of my own
Match 4: Agaisn't Soul Sisters. a very good match up for me I recognise the deck immediately he goes wide and up to 28 hp very quickly. I swing with a Boros Rek and Spitemare and they chump to keep there board state up and I then Blasphemous act him for 26 after directing the 3 damage to them from my dudes, He understands. I side in Leyline of punishment and pyroclasm. He has nothing he can do. He is dead as fuck. pyroclasm his board state then get a emblem from koth and he can't win past that game two.
Match 5: I didn't get an opponent so I won by defult
Match 6: It was White blue control again, I didn't get god hand and so i didn't win game one, (its a hard matchup okay...) then game two had a pretty good hand with browbeat and such he let me draw three cause I got him too 11 in the first 3 turns and I drew 3 Mountains... and he won.
Match 7: Was finally eldrazi White Blue and its impossible to fight turn 3 reality smasher and a mimic and a thoughtknot...
0/0/2 again...
Match 8: It was Naya Burn without the cats.. she beat me game two and three with sideboarded path of exiles and more stuff
I then dropped as I was
5 losses 3 wins at this point.