22-Oct-10 Went 3-1 at FNM. Losing to Eldrazi Ramp. Round 1: 2-1 Fast RGB Poison DeckGame 1 - Lost due to opponent topdecking a Groundswell and doing 10 poison damage in one combat phase with a 1/1. Deck was centered around Assault Strobe,
, and Tainted Strike.
Round 2: 0-2 Eldrazi Ramp Game 1 - countered aWurmcoil Engine,
Summoning Trap
ped into a Primeval Titan.Game 2 - Stuck at 3 land for 6 turns, managed to Mana Leak a Terastodon, with Spell Pierce, which successfully countered the Trap.
Round 3: 2-0 Valakut TitanManaged to Duress and Inquisition of Kozilek or counter his ramp spells, got Jace, the Mind Sculptor online, he conceded game 1 with Jace at 13.
Round 4: 2-1 Skittles PoisonGame 1 - Dropped skittles turn 4, I died turn 7.Game 2 & 3 - Opponent couldn't come up with green mana sources.
Cards I felt were underperformers
Psychic Miasma
- I managed to get this spell off 3 times against one opponent before he realized he should be laying down lands 11, 12, 13 and not taking 2 damage to Liliana's Caress and giving the card back to me.Other than this, I think the card will be removed and replaced with Jace Beleren.
Spell Pierce - Should probably just limit this to 2x SB.
Liliana Vess - At first I thought this could be an alternate wincon, but after playing the deck, I believe if the game goes on long enough that the ultimate is useful, either me or my opponent should have already won. This ended up just being a 5CMC opponent discards a card.