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Slow and steady wins th-KAPOW SHU YUN SMACK

Tiny Leaders Control RUW (Jeskai, America)



A little project of mine. I love Tiny Leaders, but for some reason found out that the other people that do are all bored Legacy players, with their true names, swords and Geists, so I've slowly built this deck to help win against most of the decks that are out there.

What originally drew me to the concept of Tiny Leaders was... Well... It wasn't standard, and it wouldn't be quite as dull as I found commander. But when I seemed to play against other people's decks, it either swept the floor against the casual decks, or tragically lost to the more competitive decks. There was no middle ground.

Tiny Leaders has been described as Legacy Lite, rather than a smaller commander format. People care less about the constraints and challenges of deck building and simply crammed together their legacy decks dropping Force of Will, just because you never pay it's 5 cmc doesn't mean it fits! I found myself exposed in a new ground. I used to play casual standard, then mildly competitive standard, and the odd commander game, but Legacy was something new to me entirely. I wasn't unaware of the existence of the format, but the hefty price tag for a mere 15 year old really sends you crying back to standard. I took my time into looking on improving the deck, and, well... This is the result. My mediocre Tiny Leaders deck, which I enjoy. It won't always win, it seems to lose a lot more than it should, but I've built it, I've improved upon it, and I refuse to at least leave without a win. It's time to fight back against Legacy Lite, it's time to control the meta!

Here's my card choices and reasoning

Instants:Boros Charm-This is the swiss army knife of the deck, can protect against kill spells, the extra damage is always relevant, and the double strike ability can always help to trigger Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest's if you need the ability

Brainstorm-One of the most powerful instant speed draw spells, if not the most. Why wouldn't you run it? Also good if you're left with a dead Entreat the Angels in hand

Counterspell- It counters spells, what more needs to be said

Cyclonic Rift-The normal rift is a great answer to annoying enchantments, artifacts and can throw a creature out of the way for a turn, but we mainly use this card for its overload. Overload in this format is insane, you often have enough mana for a mana sink, and this provides the perfect opportunity for a lethal attack

Daze-It is one of the more efficient counterspells out there. The ability to be able to cast it for 'free' is the key reason to run it, you tap out for a spell, pass the turn, they tap out for theirs and Daze hits like a rock

Izzet Charm-Another highly versatile charm in which all its modes are relevant in most stages in the game

Lightning Bolt-Three damage. One red. Instant speed. Objections?

Lightning Helix-Any kind of cantrips are important, the fact it's also removal and lifegain simply adds to its inclusion

Mana Leak-One of those cards you want to see in the early game, however it isn't so great in the late game. Still one of the better counterspells ever printed

Mental Misstep-In a format with a 3cmc cap, having a Phyrexian Mana counterspell that can stop any one drop for two life is insane. It is increasingly relevant in the format, and on the draw can help to stop annoying situations such as a first turn Aether Vial

Path to Exile-I'm playing a white control deck, why would I leave this beauty out

Remand-The tempo advantage from this as well as the card draw is rather relevant early game, only slightly late game, however still a phenomenal card, don't get me wrong

Spell Snare-This is an important inclusion. You pay one blue, counter a spell that costs two. In a format where statistically, 1/3rd of the spells are 2cmc, this had to go in

Sphinx's Revelation-Getting to 10-11 lands is not uncommon in Tiny Leaders, so being able to draw 7 cards and gain 7 life from it is monumental, the advantage this provides is insane

Swords to Plowshares-Possibly the best white one drop ever? Either way it's never a bad time to draw a plowshares

Syncopate-This one is debatable. X cost spells do well in this format, so I currently see no reason why this isn't good enough to work in the deck

Unsummon-Simple bounce action for one blue, what more do I need

Sorceries: Council's Judgement-The key function of this card is to deal with things such as Geist and primarily True-Name Nemesis. It's an efficient removal spell at worst

Entreat the Angels-With Brainstorm and Sensei's Divining Top, a late game miracle for 7 is highly possible. This almost serves as a secondary win-con

Gitaxian Probe-Paying either blue or two life to draw a card is never ignored, and the peek effect isn't ever bad. The fact you can use it as a prowess trigger if you're tapped out shows how efficient it is

Mizzium Mortars-One of the few choices for a boardwipe, but casting it or overloading it, this will always stay relevant

Ponder+Preordain-Two of the most phenomenal blue draw spells, each bringing something slightly different with the scry and shuffle effects being useful at different stages. An easy add, never disclude these from any blue deck in which they are legal

Slagstorm-Any kind of boardwipe is important in this format, but the ability to choose is why I made the decision to put it in the deck


Jeskai Ascendancy-Providing extra prowess triggers on Swiftspear and Shu yun, pumping the Pyromancer and Entreat the Angels's tokens, or simply cycling, Ascendancy is so versatile and provides a wide range of advantage


Sensei's Divining Top-So, so efficient. Sets up cantrips and draws perfectly, avoids removal and helps to ensure we have answers to every situation

Elixir of Immortality-Still unsure if this should be taken out, but in longer games, the life and ability to return all the important spells to be redrawn is what makes me run it, helps to combat mill decks too


Monastery Swiftspear-Can always get in for early damage, can pump late game, helps to close off games all for a single red. This had to go in

Delver of Secrets  -He's a beat-stick, a flying beat-stick. Early board presence and it almost requires an answer right away

Young Pyromancer-Just under half of the deck (24 spells) trigger his ability, and the token army just swarms! Having him and Ascendancy out will close off games for you


Anger of the Gods-With Slagstorm and [Mizzium mortars]] in the deck, a third board wipe of sorts is always welcomed against aggro decks, occasionally the exile ability becomes more relevant, especially against Alesha, Who Smiles at Death decks

Containment Priest-Along with Anger of the Gods, amazing sideboard tech against Alesha decks, which is a rampant deck around more casual crowds, so good 'ol priest works wonders

Counterflux-To this day, I haven't seen a storm deck, but the day that becomes a meta deck, then I'm ready! Otherwise, it's great against control, as an uncounterable counterspell

Dack Fayden-The greatest thief in the multiverse! And personally, one of my favourite characters in the whole storyline of Magic. Other than that, this format is loitered with all the swords one can afford, and as I can't afford any, Dack aids me in the 'borrowing' of these swords. Against Sydri, Galvanic Genius decks, it helps to prevent them from playing most of their decks

Darksteel Mutation- "Infinitely Powerless" as the card says. Helpful from stopping a pesky Commander that requires an answer you simply do not have. A rage inducing card for most, but an indestructible blocker is something you must remember when casting this

Deflecting Palm-The lack of the word 'Target' within the card is what draws me to this card, and rightly so. Voltron Geist decks, or a 3 Sword True-Name is never what you want to see, so flinging the damage back can win you games, it has for me. I love this card!

Grand Abolisher-This is mainly here as a solution to other control decks, however I've found it's also great against Angus Mckenzie decks, as they can't cast their fogs to prevent your lethal attack

Nevermore-Useful for stopping a commander you have very few ways of dealing with. Can help to stop a Geist coming down in the play, which once it hits is often leaving you on a ticking, flying, death clock

Red Elemental Blast-Great blue hate, and can help to defeat most mono blue mMrfolk decks by blowing up their lord, or countering all of their Merfolk spells. Blue hate in a Legacy Lite format is always appreciated

Wear / Tear-Destroys artifacts, yup. Destroys enchantments, why not. It works, it does what is says and it does what you need

Thanks for reading, if you ever have the patience to build and try this deck, let me know how it goes! It's been a blast for me to build this, and I'll keep you all updated with how it performs. When there's a Tiny Leaders Pro Tour, it'll be the one going 12-0.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Tiny Leaders legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

13 - 6 Rares

14 - 2 Uncommons

11 - 1 Commons

Cards 50
Avg. CMC 1.71
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Elemental 1/1 R, Emblem Dack Fayden
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