This is my mono-red that I own in real life. I made this because I wanted a deck that is relentless and does great damage early game which sets up to be burned late game. (Sideboard soon!)
1 Drops
Rakdos Cackler
, This deck does not function on the same level without these badboys. They set this deck up for some good damage on turn two from
Madcap Skills
. These cards are amazing for aggro. I always go for the unleash unless it is late game.
Nivmagus Elemental, This card is amazing. Most often with him in my hand I also have a shock. Often I play then sack the shock to get a 3/4 on turn one. This card is so good when I get to pull a
Madcap Skills
on him. When this card is out and I have plenty of fuel for him, the game often ends quick.
Firedrinker Satyr
, This card is on hold for another Nivmagus Elemental.
Shock, Great one drop for this deck. Shock delivers both pain and can also be used for fuel for Nivmagus Elemental. Great card!
2 Drops
Rakdos Shred-Freak
, Great aggro card for turn two. The haste is amazing for this card. Often I pull out 4 damage turn two with a
Rakdos Cackler
and a
Rakdos Shred-Freak
if there is no
Madcap Skills
frostburn wierd, This card can function as both a great blocker and an offensive attacker. Amazing for blocking as this deck lacks good blockers.
Lightning Strike, This card is an upgraded shock. This card hits many creatures in the format such as
Nightveil Specter
. Awesome card for a two drop.
Searing Blood
, This card is great for early game removal. Kills off cards like Elvish Mystic and
Voyaging Satyr
which are key cards in a ramp deck. Great value that packs a punch.
Magma Jet, A shock with scry. Powerful card although its position in this deck is tricky due to the fact that the scry rarely helps me as most draws are creatures. (Will probably be swapped for another mizzium mortars but I have yet to acquire another))
[[mizzium mortars, Amazing two drop creature burner for red. This hits bombs such as Kalonian Hydra and Hero's Bane. Awesome!
Madcap Skills
, What should I say about this besides the fact that it is probably one of the best enchantments in standard currently. For two mana to boost your creatures +3/0 and have them be blocked by two creatures is amazing. Great card with this is a
Rakdos Cackler
because of the damage on turn two is five. This also goes well with a buffed Nivmagus Elemental.
No Three Drops Currently.
Four Drops
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
, Awesome four drop. The tribute ability is insanely good and it makes your opponents think very hard. The wrong decision for them means death most often. These bad birds go very well with
Madcap Skills
especially when they have been tributed. Eight damage is no joke.
Fanatic of Mogis
, This is mono-red. All cards have red in their mana symbol. Cards like
Frostburn Weird
Rakdos Shred-Freak
really charge this card up. Most often when I play this card I deal over five damage.
Fated Conflagration
, This card is awesome. It may be a bit expensive but is far from unreasonable. The ability to hit planeswalkers is insane. Most planeswalkers loyalty after the first ability is used is not over five. This card hits powerful walkers such as Ajani, Mentor of Heros, Jace, Memory Adept, Jace, Architect of Thought,
Chandra, Pyromaster
, and much more. Plus scry two is a great add on.
Chandra, Pyromaster
, This planeswalker provides both moderate burn and card advantage. The burn and take opponents creatures out of blocking frees up room for creatures to swing in for game. (Goes well with
Madcap Skills
as well.) The card advantage is great because card advantage can be a bit tough to get in red. The final ability is not as powerful in this deck as it is in other mono-red decks and it is rarely used.