This is a list post Inastrad that I've decided is extremely optimal with what I believe will be the current meta game, as well as being quite open to dealing with threats from all aspects of the game.
Note: The Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur you see in this list is not to be taken lightly, you're free to mix it up and change him for something more to you're liking. However I like cards that are high risk, high reward, and he fits the bill perfectly. Yes he can be Dismembered, yes it's likely to happen, but when he does stick around for a turn, hell just til I say go he's extremely powerful and can put away a game without a second thought.
Also you're more then welcome to go the sun titan route where you get back Phantasmal Image and copy Sun Titan getting back another Phantasmal Image, Snapcaster Mage, or Liliana of the Veil. While this is an explosive route, I prefer Grave Titan(which is a card I am not a fan of), but here it serves it's purpose. It's 10 raw power that relies on nothing more then himself, where as Sun Titan relies completely on other cards.
Sideboard - Timely Reinforcements, Spellskite, & Mental Misstep are all for RDW(w green for Kessig Wolf Run and Garruk Relentless etc), Mental Misstep is also used against Purify the Grave, and Surgical which are both great options against this and other decks that reanimate, and/or run Snapcaster Mages. Once the targets been named you can remove it with either card. Oblivion ring is just a sweet catch all, as well as to deal with Tempered Steel, same with the Day of Judgement.
I would love any input, questions, thoughts, or opinions.