In its first appearance in 'competitive' play, Splinterfright took 3rd place at FNM with 3-1.
Matchup 1: Opponent playing a black lifelink/deathtouch deck. Easy win, dungeon giests + dissipate controlled his critters while swinging in the air for a kill. Both games I did not even loose a point of life.
Matchup 2: Goblin Burn. First game got mana screwed, red deck got a jump in speed and I got steamrolled. Game 2 I got my low cost critters into play for some defense and cannon fodder and fended off attacks until splinter hit the deck on turn 5 as a 6/6. Couple turns later the win. Game 3 red gets mana screwed. Would have liked a better match on game 3 as red agro can be a challenge for this deck if you hit the wrong draw.
Matchup 3: Mono blue Mill. Went 0-2 with REALLY close wins for blue (both games within 1 turn). Game one was a massive comeback with a mulligan down to 5 cards with 1 turn away from the win.
Matchup 4: MIRRO MATCH. Went 2-1. Opponent was using a couple goodies that were beyond my budget like birds of paradise and phyrexian metamorph. He was also running ghoultree which ALMOST got him a couple wins. Game 1 was a straight up turn for turn mirror until he got ahead with his splinterfright. Game 2 had me starting with a mulligan at 6 but dungeon giests + dissipate + ulvenwald tracker dominated the board. Won game 2 without even getting a splinterfright into play.
Game 3 of the mirror match was the most interesting. Mulliganed down to 5 cards with NO land. Did not get a land into play until turn 4. He all mana and ramp but nothing to ramp to so got in a couple pings before I started exploding on turn 4 with arbor elft -> mulch -> splinter + ulvenwald. The delated start allowed him to get me to 1 life, but a Tormod's crypt sidedboarded in allowed me to get in a final push for the victory.
Overall the deck is one of the most fun I have ever played. Control, library manipulation, big creatures, man fixing/thinning, life gain... just has so much synergy for so many answers.