Note: - This is a work in progress so will be changing constantly.- Empty the Pits is just so I can get zombie tokens in playtesting.
Budget Necromancer's Stockpile deck I've been brewing. Risen Executioner seems to be the piece the deck has been missing, but unfortunately it never got a chance to be in Standard with all the solid Zombies from Return to Ravnica. The deck has a few holes in it, some of which can be patched with money and a few that can't.
Necromancer's Stockpile: The centerpiece of the deck. A great value engine that can generate multiple zombies and multiple card draws. The deck is tailored for its use but it's only a 3 of as having more than one in hand is abysmal and you have ways to dig for it.
Commune with the Gods: The card plays many vital roles in the deck. It finds Stockpile and big attackers like Gurmag Angler, it stocks the yard for delve spells like Angler and Murderous Cut and it puts recursive creatures like Bloodsoaked Champion and Risen Executioner in the yard. The deck wouldn't work without it.
Merciless Executioner: Another pillar of the deck. It buffs your team, gets value out of your self mill/discard engines. It's body is a little lackluster for the cost but it's great when you get multiples rolling.
Gurmag Angler: A zombie that can be pitched to the pile, buffed by the executioner, and a delve spell that cleans up the yard for executioner. It's also a big beater than can come down early and trumps nearly all of Standard's creatures in a fight.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel: A zombie that can take advantage of our big boardstate to give us a big life swing. This is the reach that gets us there when we're going for the aggro plan as well as the bailout when we're trying to play it defensive in a grindy game.
Murderous Cut: Efficient removal spell that cleans up the yard. Depending on your balance of self-mill and delve spells, it could easily be swapped out for your choice of black kill spell.
Necromancer's Assistant: A zombie that helps to stock our yard. This is where you start to see how pressed we are for playable zombies. That said, the self milling is pretty relevant.
Bloodsoaked Champion: Gives us value out of all our mill. It's a damn shame he's not a zombie but being able to pull 2/1s from the yard is that unfair edge it takes to make it in standard.
Rakshasa Deathdealer: A good 2 drop that helps to stop us from being run over. Some merit to playing Walking Corpse here instead, but Deathdealer might just be better despite the lack of zombie synergy.
Satyr Wayfinder: A new addition, a chump blocker that fills our graveyard and helps justify a lower land count. Probably not a great card to put in this deck.
Obelisk of Urd: Great to take over stalled games, but is the kind of thing that really gums up your opening hand. 1 of seems like the right number.
Soul of Innistrad: Another late game card that can push us over the edge or put us back in the game once our resources have been depleted. But again, a 1 of so we don't see it until we need it.
Whip of Erebos: A full 8 of our creatures can't block and the rest have pretty lackluster stats, meaning we are really bad at keeping people from killing us. The lifelink is huge as we can send our Bloodsoaked Champions into Coursers and at least get life back. The second ability is also great value in the late game, allowing us to whip back Gray Merchants or even just Anglers for a big life swing. Could consider going for more than 1, though so much of our deck is already devoted to durdling.