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Standard Playable Cards Ixalan-Guilds of Ravnica



Creature (174)

Instant (55)

Land (26)

Artifact (18)

Unknown (1)

  • 1x Radiant Lightning

Sorcery (50)

Enchantment (42)

Planeswalker (15)

Trying to make a list of playable standard cards for the upcoming Ixalan-Guilds standard. I hate trying to keep the cards straight and having to do multiple searches every time I make a deck. This is for my personal use, but if it helps someone else then please feel free to do so. Some of these cards will never see standard play, I simply made of list of useful or powerful cards that had a chance of being played.

Note: I'm not including cards that would only be good in tribal builds as I would just search up the tribe when making the deck anyway.

Note; split cards are not added at this time to database. Will check back on this later.


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