Red/Black midrange. Been working on this a while now, this is updated for Journey into Nyx.
Brain Maggot Other than being one fo the more disturbing cards in the set, the maggot is a creature based Thoughtseize. And while the opponent may get the card back later, it means they waste a removal spell on he maggot, rather than my big beats.
Desecration Demon Very aggressive and effectively costed creature. Smash them for 6 a turn or make them sac creatures to avoid it.
Doom Blade Standard removal. Easy to cast and effective. Just be sure to remove against Mono Black Devotion.
Hammer of Purphoros Gives my creatures haste, which is very useful for both Prophetic Flamespeaker and Desecration Demon, and allows me to hedge against a mana flood.
Herald of Torment A solid flier, stops aggro decks cold, and can do damage if left unchecked. The ability to bestow on turn 5 also gives added value.
Hero's Downfall Murderbore. Instant speed is very useful, the two black mana cost isn't brilliant, but its still great removal
Mizzium Mortars Good removal early in the game, and a pseudo wipe late in the game. Allows my demons to survive too.
Prophetic Flamespeaker I wanna break this card. It may be that all he'll do is serve as bait for opposing removal, but his upside is too high to ignore.
Stormbreath Dragon Not quite Thundermaw Hellkite. But very effective- lethal if you can make him monstrous.
Thoughtseize Yeah, its thoughtseize. Take their best card and put it in the graveyard. Its a bitch.
Titan's Strength Good synergy with Prophetic Flamespeaker. I can buff him, scry one of the cards I'll get to cast, and then do damage, and potentially cast more cards.
----Sideboard Selections---The sideboard is mostly chosen to defend against control- a very common deck in my meta. This deck should be powerful enough on its own to defeat most other threats.
Duress Side in against control.
Pithing Needle Side in against AEtherling and planeswalkers.
Slaughter Games Side in against any one card that is giving you problems.
I want this deck to be competitive in FNM and maybe more competitive metas. Comments, Suggestions, and +1s are appreciated.