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Sultai Delirium [Competitive SOI]

Standard BUG (Sultai) Competitive Midrange



Creature (1)

Enchantment (2)


Creature (1)

Planeswalker (1)

Delirium is my favorite mechanic from the SOI block. The developers said that they wanted graveyard strategies to be significant coming out of the new set, so I started brewing and came up with this.

Here's a card-by-card description for those interested.

Sinister Concoction : Overall a solid removal card, it adds an enchantment to the graveyard in the early game.

Deathcap Cultivator : I'll take a mana-dork that gets deathtouch any day. Perfect fit here.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   : We know he's a powerhouse. He also provides so many good things to this deck. The discard ability allows you to feed the graveyard with what you need to activate delirium. It's pretty easy to transform him on turn 4, or even turn 3 with Gather the Pack. The deck doesn't run a ton of instant or sorcery spells, but Jace helps make the most of the ones that it works with.

Gather the Pack: Keeps the creatures coming and feeds the graveyard for delirium.

Grasp of Darkness: I wanted a low cost instant to keep up the card-type variety.

Oath of Jace : Continues the draw-discard mechanics. Helps Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   flip early.

Autumnal Gloom   / Ancient of the Equinox   : An enchantment that helps create delirium in the early game, it's essentially a 3-mana 4/4 trample, hexproof in this deck. That's really good.

Pick the Brain : This delirium ability is solid. I think it's a better card than Infinite Obliteration and Transgress the Mind.

Pulse of Murasa : I'm mainboarding this for the first weekend because there are a lot of questions about where the metagame will be headed after the loss of khans. I think that means the trend will be aggro builds like Atarka Arlinn, Vampire Madness, Red/Colorless Eldrazi, and probably Dimir Zombies. Even in the absence of aggressive decks, the lifegain and fetch a creature ability are well worth 3 mana at instant speed.

Mindwrack Demon : A 4 mana, 4/5 flying trampler that feeds Jace, Telepath Unbound   and virtually guarantees delirium. Its even got sweet artwork. What more do you want?

Soul Swallower : Another great delirium ability. If Managorger Hydra is good enough to get play in a counter deck, I think this guy fits in here.

The Gitrog Monster: Ok, in the lore this monster kills and devours everything with its super-fast, high-powered tongue. Hence the deathtouch. Savor the flavor. Thinking about adding a couple Drownyard Temple for some synergy, but unsure in a 3-color deck. Not getting killed by Lightning Axe is good too.

Ob Nixilis Reignited: This could be his perfect home. Ob Nixilis seems to be meant for this kind of midrange deck that could use a little extra removal or card draw. Also adds another card-type to the graveyard.

Ever After : Imagine hitting this on turn 5 and playing The Gitrog and a World Breaker. I think milling is going to be good, and this helps protect against milling. It's a bomb for 6 mana, which is a lot, but it can be discarded in the graveyard early and flashed back with Jace, Telepath Unbound   later on. Seasons Past is probably worth considering here.

World Breaker: A card that's already getting play in a lot of decks. It'll be easy to have it milled into the graveyard and brought back when it needs to be dropped.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 1 Mythic Rares

21 - 2 Rares

13 - 7 Uncommons

5 - 5 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Emblem Ob Nixilis Reignited
Folders Good SOI stuff, delirium, Delirium, ideas, U/G/B delirium
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