As I built this deck, I had two things in mind. Exalted, and Vorapede. The deck was mostly green, and mono-green in it's previous stages, but it was very interesting to watch it come together as a green white un-token deck.
Vorapede, as I said, is one of the key cards in this deck. The whole 5/4 vigilance trample undying thing kinda makes for a good card, however, most people don't give it the respect it deserves, putting it in as a backup in wolf run, or just sideboarding it, or maybeboarding it. It deserves a place in your mainboard, noobs!
Rancor. 'Nuff said. Turns any living thing into a freakin killing machine. Picture this: A Young Wolf on turn one. Turn two, it's followed by a
Knight of Glory
. Turn three, it is enchanted with rancor, and it attacks for 4. Trample. It's just a wonderful card all around.
Sublime Archangel I said exalted, didn't I? Sublime Archangel, the most impressive thing since 1337. With all the small creatures in this deck, you can be swinging with a lot of weight behind you. Plus, just in case you weren't impressed, it has the body of a 4/3 flier.
Young Wolf, just like Vorapede, doesn't get the respect it deserves. Look at it! It's a 1/1 undying for 1 mana! 1! Young wolf +
Knight of Glory
is just a beautiful start to the game.
Knight of Glory
, that reboot of
White Knight
? Wrong! Knight of Glory is an amazing piece of machinery. Protection from black, while also giving an exalted bonus to loners. Pretty freakin cool. Plus, it's a 2/1 for 2. Just wonderful.