This deck focuses on discarding Griselbrand and playing him from your graveyard as soon as possible, usually around turn 3. Turn 1 wins are possible, but extremely unlikely. Below, I will outline how the deck is supposed to play out.
Step 1 - Find Griselbrand. You can do this either by drawing him (with Faithless Looting or normally), or playing Time of Need.
Step 2 - Discard Griselbrand. It is recommended that you start the game on the draw. If you begin with Griselbrand in your hand (around 44% chance), you can just pass the turn and discard him in your end step. If not, you can use Faithless Looting or Lightning Axe if there is an annoying flier that could block him later on.
Step 3 - Return Griselbrand to the battlefield with haste. You do this by playing Goryo's Vengeance. If you have trouble finding it, simply transmute Shred Memory.
Step 4 - Get more combat phases. in the second main phase, use Griselbrand's card-draw ability. Luckily, he has lifelink, so this isn't a problem. You do this until you find a copy of Fury of the Horde. You will probably have enough red cards to cast it without paying its mana cost.
Step 5 - Repeat step 4 until your opponent is dead.
Griselbrand can protect himself if he needs to, simply use his ability in response until you find Pact of Negation or Apostle's Blessing, which you can cast by exiling a Simian Spirit Guide or tapping a land, and paying 2 life).
Against those annoying control decks that can counter your Goryo's Vengeance, sideboard in more counter spells (Guttural Response and Avoid Fate). Against Tormod's Crypt, Oxidize should be okay]]. Alternatively, return Griselbrand in response to their trigger. Slaughter Pact is against decks with early game fliers like Birds of Paradise, that can block your Griselbrand's first hit.