Have you ever had a card that makes you nostalgic for when you first started playing Magic? Well mine is Shambling Strider. I don't know if it was the pretty cool grinning... thing in the art, or the fact it was a 5/5 and I thought that was super strong... or maybe it was that because of that I was convinced it had to be the rare (spoiler alert, it's... it's really not.), but regardless I love this card, as bad as it is.

Fast forward to about a year ago and I'm brewing a Surrak Dragonclaw deck. But I don't wanna make a straight up Temur Goodstuff type deck. Then out of the blue, like a beacon from... I don't know about above... maybe horizontally, I got the thought. Yetis. Yeti tribal. Add to this that I saw an artist's proof of Strider for sale online, and I cracked my knuckles and said, okay, let's do this thing.

What you see here is the end result of that crazy mind of mine.

There's just one problem. There aren't enough Yeti to make a full-on tribal deck. But what if EVERYTHING I had was suddenly a Yeti? Arcane Adaptation and Xenograft guarantee that. Ever wanted an Elder Dinosaur Yeti? Or a Human Yeti Shaman? Or a Centaur Warrior Yeti? Or a Yeti Beast Yeti? Well now you can. (And by the way, there is literally no payoff to making them all Yeti.)

Surrak Dragonclaw and Stonebrow, Krosan Hero combo well, the former giving everything trample, and the latter buffing them when they swing.

There is a small Fight subtheme, Karplusan Yeti and a lot of other fight cards make for oftentimes useful removal on theme.

Savage Punch, Epic Confrontation, and Really Epic Punch make up a mini cycle, just because I think Surrak is an amazing character in both forms... and the Epic Punch is to round it out. I've never had anybody upset about a silver-bordered card in my deck, because to be frank, there are way better cards out there for the fight mechanic and most don't care.

And if you're wondering about Bitterbow Sharpshooters I just like the card. And that's what this deck is about. There's really no analysis, no big combos, no nothing. Just a bunch of cards I like and the ability to, if your opponents are too busy laughing to notice or care, possibly get in for a lot of damage.

Hope you enjoyed!


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Revision 6 See all

(1 year ago)

-1 Battle of Frost and Fire main
+1 Cragsmasher Yeti main
+1 The Phasing of Zhalfir main
-1 Trygon Predator main
Date added 6 years
Last updated 1 week

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.77
Tokens Cat Warrior 2/2 G, Elephant 3-3 G, Foretell, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C, Phyrexian 2/2 B
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