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Take Another Walk in the Woods, They Said...

Commander / EDH BGW (Abzan, Junk)


It's still fun, they said... Right. Fun.

So a little over a year ago, I had a Ghave deck, I called it 'Take a Walk in the Woods, They Said'. [Sadly, I deleted the list when I traded off the deck, because arsehole deck was an arsehole.] It started out as a saproling/thallid tribal under Slimefooot, the Stowaway, and while fun to play, was very slow to start, and often was hard to come back from the brink of loss. In looking for options, I found Ghave, gutted the deck and rebuilt is as a combo engine, heavy with removal, that took over games very quickly. After a few weeks of playing it, I'd realized when I get the right 3 or 4 cards on the board, people stop having fun. This made me feel bad, so I stopped playing it as often, and soon thereafter, dismantled it.

Flash forward a year and a bit, sad little Ghave, Guru of Spores , staring at me from the back of my binder with puppy dog eyes, made me want to rebuild. So, sadly, I did.

I've left out the tutoring, in hopes that I will not go infinite by turn 4 consistently, and instead, give people a chance to play their decks. Still have a healthy removal package that synergizes well with the lead singer, and the deck should play more like an aristocrats deck, with a super heavy +1 counters theme.

Yes, the deck can and often will, go infinite. My hope is, that it's more turn 6 and beyond than dropping Doubling Season and Grave Pact on turn 2 and 3, like before.


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92% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 0 Rares

37 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.18
Tokens Cat Beast 2/2 W, City's Blessing, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Insect 1/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G, Spirit 1/1 W
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