"Thunder doesn't always mean rain. Sometimes it means ruin."
Basically, the deck plays like this: get a decent board presence up, killing their things or defending yours with Valorous Stance, then flash in a
Thunderclap Wyvern
for massive damage, especially combined with
Mantis Rider
and Wingmate Roc. Everything flies (except Dragonmaster Outcast and morphs), so everything gets the buffs and goes over a lot of decks in standard right now.
Dragonlord Ojutai
Icefall Regent
, and Wingmate Roc are all amazing finishers, and together they round off the curve. There's also great synergy with Dragonmaster Outcast
Ojutai's Command
allowing me to effectively flash in a 5/5 dragon at the end of their turn.
Faerie Miscreant
: 1/1 flier for one, and I cn occasionally draw a card off of it, especially if I bring it using
Ojutai's Command
. Great when combined with Thunderclap, as it's then a 2/2 flier for 1.
Dragonmaster Outcast: A new BFZ recruit, this little guys can pump out 5/5 dragons like no tomorrow. We run Anticipate, so we can dig out that sixth land if we need it, but you'll probably just get there by drawing. This guy also eats a lot of removal, letting a lot of our other threats in.
Palace Familiar
: The new two drop. A 1/1 flier for 2 seems bad, but getting the draw when it dies allows me to chump block easily, letting me go through my deck faster, and dodging some damage. If he does eat a removal spell, they just wasted good removal. If he eats an exile spell like
or Stasis Snare, again, they wasted removal. He's still in testing though, so we'll see how he does.
Mantis Rider
: We're playing Jeskai, we're running Mantis Rider. Nuff' said. Plus it gets buffs from Thunderclap.
Stratus Dancer: A new addition to the deck, Stratus Dancer gives us a nice tempo option, and countering spells is a convenient upside. When it's flipped up with Thunderclap on the field, it's a surprise 4/3 flier, and you can usually counter a command or boardwipe.
Thunderclap Wyvern
: The card the entire deck was based off of. A 2/3 flier with flash for 4, which admittedly aren't amazing stats, but he can buff my entire team for a surprise block, or I can flash him in at the end of my opponents turn to get a surprise body on the board. I love this card, and many people aren't familiar with it and the tricks it can pull off.
Wingmate Roc: A 6/8 flier for 5 in two bodies?! Count me in! This card wins a lot of games, has some life gain, and both bodies get the buffs from Thunderclap, creating a lot of damage fast, or a bulky blocker.
Dragonlord Ojutai
: This card is great,seeing play in many top decks in standard right now, and for good reason. I think that maybe I should go up to three of him, what do you guys think?
Valorous Stance: There are so many huge creatures in standard right now that this is very often a two mana destroy spell. Hits
Siege Rhino
s, all of the Dragonlords, and in general works very well.
Jeskai Charm
: This card has greatly impressed me. The fact that the creature goes to the top of the library rather than the hand is very significant, and for creatures like Hangarback Walker, they really don't want to be removed like that. The +1/+1 and lifelink isn't amazing, but it has saved my life on a couple occasions and pulled me out of some tough situations. The 4 damage isn't super significant, but can occasionally be useful.
Dig Through Time: Provides a lot of late game card advantage, and takes advantage of the graveyard.
Ojutai's Command
: Requires the same amount of mana as Thunderclap, and with both in hand, I can choose which is more helpful. The reanimation hits Miscreant for draw, Palace Familiar for draw, and I can also reanimate Dragonmaster Outcast at instant speed to start cranking out dragon tokens. This card gives me a lot of versatility, and I like what it's done for me.
For big creatures or aggro, throw in Deflecting Palm. Against strong enchantment removal, Erase is amazing, hitting at instant speed for one mana. Archangel of Tithes is great against aggro like Atarka Red, and help stabilize in many games.
Surge of Righteousness
is a must, as Atarka Red and U/B Aristocrats are some of our toughest matchups.
Let me know what you think, and feedback is always appreciated!
Things recently dropped:
Icefall Regent
Thunderbreak Regent
, Aven Sunstriker, Anticipate Moved to SB: Archangel of Tithes