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Temur Aggro Competitive (4-0 FNM)

Standard Aggro Competitive FNM RUG (Temur) Tempo



Hey everyone, I've been running Temur for a while now, and this is the current list I am running. It has been performing well for me against my local meta. I am always looking for constructive criticism and suggestions. I'll post a tournament report to show how the deck plays.

4-0 FNM Tournament Report

Round One. 2-0 vs Abzan Midrange

Game 1 I had a powerful draw consisting of Turn 3 Goblin Rabblemaster, followed by hasted Savage Knuckleblade on turn 4 and 5 and then finished him off with 2 Stormbreath Dragon. Sided out 3 Lightning Strike[[ and my [[boon satyr for 2 Xenagos, the Reveler and 2 Stubborn Denial.

Game 2 Turn 3 Goblin Rabblemaster, Turn 4 Savage Knuckleblade, had only played one red source by this point so I could bluff not having the option of hasting it. Left up Stubborn Denial which was able to hit the End Hostilities. Game ended shortly thereafter with help from Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker.

Round Two 2-1 Vs Mardu Midrange

Game 1 Curved Elvish Mystic into a Turn 2 Goblin Rabblemaster followed by another on turn 3 and a Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker on turn 4, Opponent only managed to kill the first rabble, and missed his 3rd land for a turn. Sided out 4 Frost Walker , in 2 Stubborn Denial and 2 Barrage of Boulders Siding in the barrages ended up being an error because my opponent boarded out all his token makers except brimaz.Game 2I again curve elf into rabble, which quickly get mopped up by Anger of the Gods. My opponent drops a Brimaz, King of Oreskos followed by a Butcher of the Horde while I am stuck on single red unable to cast the Ashcoud Phoenix Sarkhan, and Stormbreath Dragon stranded in my hand.

Replaced the Barrage of Boulders with 2 Frost WalkersGame 3 Turn 1 Elf Turn 2 Rabble Turn 3 pass with Boon Satyr up which I flash in on end step after an [[Anger of the Gods] I connect enough with Satyr and an Heir of the Wilds to put him within Crater's Claws range.

Round Three 2-0 VS R/W HeroicGame 1I manage to Barely outrace his mull to 5 with a Goblin Rabblemaster He had the kill but was missing a second red source for Temur Battle Rage + Titan's Strength

Sided in 2 Stubborn denials for Boon Satyr and 1 Stormbreath Dragon

Game 2 Turn 2 Frost Walker puts on some great early pressure. I take some hits from a non heroiced Favored Hoplite and Akroan Skyguard Turn 3 He drops Akroan Line Breaker I drop a Savage Knuckleblade on turn 3 and snap block the breaker. Defiant Strike + Mortal's Ardor gains him 8 life and trades with the knuckleblade. I turn 4 Shaman of the Great Hunt and immediately crack back for 8. He plays another blocker and gets blown out when I have double Lightning Strike for 2 of them. He dies to my followup Crater's Claws.

Round Four 2-0 VS G/R MonstersNot a very large turnout at this FNM so this is the final round. I offer the draw but he wants to play it out.

Game 1I have a very lackluster start of turn 1 Elvish Mystic turn 2 Heir of the Wilds I Lightning Strike his Voyaging Satyr and get in for a few points with Heir and Elf. Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker kills his turn 3 Courser of Kruphix and the gets lightning struck. I get put under pressure by a stormbreath dragon. He is at 7 with me having 6 lands plus elf. I show him Crater's Claws and say I need an untapped land. Wooded Foothills comes rolling off the top i put it into play, sac it and start pick up my library, at which point he scoops. Luckily for me because I had all my forests and mountains in play already.

Side in 2 Destructive Revelry For a Rabble and a Frost Walker. I was seated next to him earlier and saw Frontier Siege as well as Courser.

Game 2We both have excruciatingly slow mulls to 6. I Destructive Revelry his Courser of Kruphix as my first play. He drops Polukranos, World Eater on 4 and Genesis Hydra for 3 on turn 5. I outrace them with Ashcloud Phoenix and double Stormbreath Dragon.

A few thoughts after the tournament. The Hunt the Hunter s in the SB should be taken out, because in this new version I don't have enough targets. Any ideas for cards to replace it? Also thinking of replacing the temple of mystery with another abandon.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
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This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 2 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

13 - 8 Uncommons

6 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.59
Tokens Emblem Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, Goblin 1/1 R, Morph 2/2 C, Satyr 2/2 GR
Folders Temur
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