The Temur Midrange deck ran surprisingly well for me, especially considering I hadn't gone to an FNM since shortly after Fate Reforged. I faced off against Abzan Control with Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, Esper Control with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver, Selesnya Ramp, and Abzan with Anafenza, the Foremost during that FNM event. The deck certainly works well in all of those match-ups, but I don't think it exactly has any "easy games" either. It just seems "fair." It puts a scary 4-turn threat on the board at turn three (thanks to Sylvan Caryatid) and each opponent has to have the answers or they lose. It's simplistic, but effective. In most cases, I had more answers than they did. However the one match I did lose was because I got mana screwed games two and three against the Ajani deck. I had a fist literally full of Shamans and my 4th land drop was a Caryatid turn 7 with a beefed up Courser killing me. It's my only real gripe I had all night; otherwise Temur Midrange worked well. Also, Ashiok is still a beast against the Temur match-up. I was lucky enough to not deal with much removal while I was trying to run that Walker down with it's stupid Nyx-Fleece Ram blocker and on top all that, Ashiok missed two hits against my deck. The dumb luck was real. LOL.
I learned that Temur Battle Rage and Xenagos, god of reveals were not necessary at for the deck and plan to take them out when I update the deck. The side board worked pretty well for the most part, but I have learned that Reality shift is not that good of a removal spell which is a disappointment for me since I liked the card at first. It's nice for getting rid of big threats nasty threats, but still gives them a blocker to take less damage which ultimately is why I feel it must go. Thanks Roast, <3!