

Building a deck to use Teysa Karlov ’s death ability to the max, with the tokens to back up play for mana or sacrifices.

Useful combos include: Phyrexian Altar + Reassembling Skeleton , which cause infinite revivals with Teysa. Apprentice Necromancer + Mimic Vat , while Apprentice Necromancer doesn’t stack with Teysa, Anointed Procession will allow you to, for 5 mana bring 2 things to die.

Skullclamp will draw you 4 cards with Teysa. And, again Mimic Vat can be useful for powerful tokens with cards like Ancient Stone Idol

A second win condition would be to use the treasures that comes with cards like Revel in Riches , which with Sheoldred, Whispering One can be used quite effectively (there are other effects to give treasures).

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