This is Gesper version (Esper w/ green). Suggestions are highly welcome.
By the way, TFoAS stands for The Future of Aggro Synergy which was a deck I constructed a while ago but scrapped that and kept transmuting the deck into different forms but keeping the name.
This deck utilizes a not-really-a-combo that I call the Quad Angel Core. Basically the angel isn't an angel at all, it's Vault of the Archangel. There are essentially 4 copies of it (itself, Knight of the Reliquary, and the twin Chord of Callings). Grabbing KotR end step and then grabbing the Vault during combat tends to swing games massively in my favor, often 6-15 life with a single attack. This insane stabilization makes it pretty difficult for any aggro deck to finish me, and makes the mirror match into a easy race.
This deck is designed to perform well in the "mirror" which is Abzan. This was originally Abzan and so I still consider them the mirror match. I originally had Ashiok in the sideboard to play in the mirror but I decided against him because I already had such a good matchup in the mirror. SoLaS makes anything immune to traditional Abzan decks' removal, but itself dies to
Abrupt Decay
, which eventually prompted me to cut it. I play a singleton Restoration Angel in its stead, which can be hard-casted to blink Siege Rhino and/or fizzle targeted removal AND be Chorded up as a anti-removal, evasive beatstick, Rhino flicker, or nasty blocker that allows another blocker to live.
I've tried to drop blue many times, but from what I've seen, the manlands are insane and they can only be answered by Path to Exile in the mirror match. It also makes Spellskite less painful to utilize. It also doesn't mess much with my manabase because all my blue lands are also duals and I don't have the more preferred
Verdant Catacombs
anyhow. Occasionally I have mana problems but everyone has those moments sometimes.
Chord of Calling has been amazing in testing, often allowing multiple Siege Rhinos to take over the game. I put in a singleton Knight of the Reliquary as a 3 mana fattie in addition to a tutorable tutor for Vault of the Archangel which can put games out of reach for many opponents in a matter of turns. It's also great for grabbing Spellskite against burn. I'd love to see the face on the Twin player when a Spellskite pops out of nowhere and steals Twin.