Welcome to my hatebears deck! Until, like, yesterday I had no idea what hatebears was and I was to lazy to look it u;, but then I saw the new promo artwork for Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
) and then i was like, "I need to build a deck around this, I need to see that artwork on the battlefield" So i did some work and here we are! I would like to make this deck as competitive as possible so please do comment!, something does feel off with the deck but i don't know what because i don't really have any expertise with this archetype, anyway on to the card breakdown! but if you are going to suggest a card, please please suggest what i should take out to fit it in.
Aven Mindcensor This is a great card, it completely shuts down the opponents fetch lands and any sort of searching they may do with other card's (looking at you Expedition Map
Birds of Paradise they are the Noble Hierarch number's 5, 6, and 7. but worse
Leonin Arbiter TBH i hate the artwork, but its a cornerstone of any hatebears deck, so it mus be included, it is here for many of the same reasons as Aven Mindcensor
Loxodon Smiter AKA the bane of any discard deck, love it
Noble Hierarch we all know why she is here..
Qasali Pridemage CAT JESUS WALKS AGAIN, ALL PRAISE HIM. but seriously, he's a 2/2 for 2, with exalted and the ability to hill some very important cards in the format, love it
Spellskite the eater of lightning bolts for days, also screws over infect
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben the entire reason i threw together the deck, she is so over powered, love her promo artwork to
Dark Confidant I found that I was running out of gas very quickly, so i needed a way of drawing more card's. Dark Confidant fits the bill, with 90% having a cmc of 3 or less i can keep going for a long time
Giest of Saint Traft He is a great beatstick, hexproof makes him difficult to get rid of, and the 4/4 angel makes it better, and he can hold a sword
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner The original reason i made this a bant deck instead of a generic G/W deck, the ability is very good in a format where Path to Exile/Lightning Bolt/Abrupt Decay reign supreme
Vendillion Clique
another great blue card, gives me a little bit of control, flies, and holds a sword, and I love the artwork in MM2015
Voice of Resurgence ehhh, its good, artwork is ok, havent seen the ability in a true game yet, so i dont know..
Wilt-Leaf Liege iffy about this aswell, but it seams good so it can stay till someone suggests something better.
Sword of Light and Shadow
very good in a creature heavy deck, and also stops the 2 best removal colors in the game stone cold dead.
Boths sword make for great finishers when equipped on anything, god i hope we get allied swords someday.
Path to Exile tied with Swords to Plowshares for the best removal in the game, and i love the WPN promo artwork.
Collected Company oh. my. god. This card is so good. With every creature in the deck having a cmc of 3 or less i can put into play everything i hit, its the reason i took out Baneslayer Angel, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, and Wilt-Leaf Liege
Bitterblossom still testing this one out, but i am not sure yet, the faerie token a turn is great for chump blocking, and they hold sword's, but the life loss from it...
For creatures i have decided to drop a Geist of Saint Traft in favor a single Gaddock Teeg, because as jerseydevil89 said, if i hit a legendary creature with Collected Company that i already have on the field its a dead card i can't get back, so a 1 of for most legendary creatures is a good idea, but with Kira, Great Glass-Spinner i feel that have 2 is a much better idea then 1 because i really want to get it.
Rhox War Monk
i like this guy, a 3/4 lifelink is real good, its true that its not better then Loxodon Smiter but the lifelink helps to deal with all the life loss from the mana base, i feel i should run 2 of him but i dont know what to take out.
The biggest change to the deck since I added it is the inclusion of 4 Collected Company, this card is fantastic because it will let me get out a 2 creatures for 4 mana. at instant speed, wow. and with 27 of my 29 creatures being 3 mana or less i will almost always hit something good.