DON'T CLICK AWAY CAUSE ALL YOU SEE ARE CREATURES! Listen, man. I was play testing this bad boy... come to find out this has some of the best reanimation I've ever seen. No joke. It's crazy.
So the best combo I've seen with this is Ghoulcaller Gisa, and Scourge of Nel Toth. Sac him, get 6 zombie tokens, then bring him back. It can happen over and over again. It's crazy. Scourge of Nel Toth work great with Liliana, Heretical Healer
. Her +1 makes it soooo much easier to get him out.
Liliana, Heretical Healer
is also bomb with Voldaren Pariah
. Discarding her, then slamming her onto the battlefield. Its satisfying. Without Gravecrawler, Bloodghast, and Geralf's Messengerthis deck would practically useless. They are really the only things you can sacrifice without having to worry.
Diregraf Colossus and Bridge from Below helps to keep the tokens pumping out. Without the tokens, you don't really have any blockers. And blockers are pretty important. The mana cost of the deck overall isn't that high. But waiting around isn;t something you wanna do. Especially when all you really have out there at the front end of the game is Gravecrawler and a Diregraf Colossus... So I added Dark Ritual to speed the process along.
Another thing... You can really abuse your starting hand, by drawing, but not putting anything out, causing you to discard. Discarding Scourge of Nel Toth from your starting hand is so satisfying. As well as Bloodghast, and maybe even Gravecrawler is you need to.