
"While nations war and rage, I remain in my impregnable sanctuary. While they plot and scheme for petty, short-term glory, I shape the fabric of reality! The agents of my circle are active in the world. They disrupt, they manipulate, they gather resources, they prepare the mythal that will bring about our triumph. Time is on our side, and we are not idle. Soon all will know what true power means!"

Welcome to my Inalla primer! I have been playing Inalla since she was released, and have been planning this guide for the last four years as I have refined my own list, gained tons of experience, and cut and added cards. My hope is to keep it up to date, and contribute to the community of Inalla players in EDH! The following guide is very detailed and there are multiple ways to build Inalla, so the second section of this primer explains how my approach differs from other ones out there, so feel free to start there if you already have a good idea about how Inalla works as a commander. I have and play many commander decks and have taught commander to my students at the school I teach at, but this remains my first and favorite deck. Please feel free to comment on anything, and upvotes are always appreciated very much!

When we look at Inalla, we'll first note that she is a wizard and cares a lot about wizards, which makes her the perfect commander for a Wizard's tribal deck. She has two primary abilities, the most important being the first one.

Her main ability is an eminence ability, meaning that it functions from the command zone. In other words, we don't ever need to cast Inalla to start using her. She has the rather high cmc of two and grixis, but this isn't much of an issue as we will rarely cast her. The other main reason not to cast her is because casting her can put her in danger. While we won't mind her being killed or exiled much, we very much will mind if our opponents take control of her or turn her into a land, elk, or indestructible bug. Inalla is not a combat piece, she prefers to dwell safely in her impregnable sanctum (the command zone) while she crafts the dweomer which will allow her to dominate the game. If she comes out, it will only be to finish the game once and for all (more on that below).

Her ability allows paying one generic mana to make a token copy of any non-token wizard. This token has haste and will remain until the end of turn. There is a lot to unpack here. To begin, wizards with ETBs are highly desirable, as for them Inalla functions sort of like Panharmonicon in the command zone. Secondly, these leave behind temporary token copies of these wizards which we only have for a very short period of time, meaning that we might as well use them as fuel for whatever other shenanigans we want to do. Thirdly, legendary wizards, particularly those without ETBs, are not ideal here. Due to the legend rule we will have to immediately sacrifice the token copy, eliminating any advantage from having said copy. One of the problems with Inalla's precon was that it was stuffed with legendary wizards that WoTC wanted to use the precon as a pretext to reprint, and most of these didn't synergize with the deck's game plan. That isn't to say some of these (ex. Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir aren't worth running anyway for their other effects, but it has to be worth it. Wizards with ETBs, on the other hand, do provide some benefit in that even though the token copies are immediately sacrificed, the ETBs still trigger, making some of them very much worth it (ex. Venser, Shaper Savant.

Another implication of the importance of Wizards with ETBs is that amplifying this effect is highly desirable. If two is good after all, three is better. Hence cards like Panharmonicon and Molten Echoes are really great here. This also means that blink and bounce effects are great as well. If we cast and copy card:Seagate Oracle once we've rummaged through cards twice, but if we can blink it or bounce it back to our hand and recast it we've done it four times. This makes cards like Cloudstone Curio, AEther Adept, and Deadeye Navigator crucial to running the deck optimally.

Inalla's ability costs only one generic mana. This is important because anything we can do to reduce costs Stonybrook Banneret or even get ahead on mana Ashnod's Altar and Mana Echoes are highly desirable.

All of this tells us that while Inalla can finish games on occasion (see discussion of her second ability below), her main purpose for us is as a value engine which massive combo potential. She isn't going to be winning games in commander by swinging dinky little wizards sideways (unless there's an infinite amount of them, of course), so she's going to win via powerful combos (which we will call mythals here). She also isn't going to have large armies to block attackers. This means she needs a lot of interaction to protect her combos and our life total, hence the suite if instant and sorcery spells we are running to protect ourselves and disrupt our opponent's plans. If we can't keep the game under control we'll die before the mythal is ready!

Her second ability allows us to tap groups of wizards to drain out our opponent's life, and is really just icing on the cake and one of the reasons that Inalla is so good. She'd be well worth running without this ability, but it creates another way to play her and gives this approach another way to win if somehow we can create near infinite numbers of wizard tokens (see more on this below).

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of this guide it is important to note that Inalla is a more flexible commander than it might at first seem, and there are three distinct paths to building her. This primer is focused on the Wizards Tribal approach, which is a control/combo deck, but I wanted to take the time to introduce other approaches as well, and to provide links to resources which might help those players who are interested in a different path. But before we get to that, let's talk about Inalla first.

The Reanimator Approach (cEDH) Deck

The reanimator approach is the most powerful way to play to Inalla, and is an established deck in the cEDH community. The focus of the deck is to use graveyard tutors to put Wanderwine Prophets into the graveyard so that one can win with infinite turns by turn four at latest. As with most cEDH decks, the deck is heavy on instants and sorceries and focuses on interaction on the stack, running only the most choice wizard cards. Its a powerful deck for those that enjoy cEDH, but as with any cEDh deck should not be played at non-cEDH tables unless you want to lose friends very quickly.

As for me, cEDH isn't my cup of tea for a variety of reasons and hence I would never play this deck. That being said, I do respect the cEDH community and how they choose to play, and I do enjoy watching gameplay from time to time. It also makes me proud that my favorite commander can be such a powerhouse in both cEDH and standard commander, and is a testament to her power and flexibility.

For those interested in seeing this deck at work, I'd highly recommend watching this season finale on the Playing with Power youtube channel, where you can watch cEDH Inalla wipe the floor with three other powerful decks- There is a link there to the decklist used which I will put her for convenience- The professor at Tolarian Community College also made a video with the Laboratory Maniacs cEDH community here- Also, one of the best primers here on tappedout is the one written by Apotheosis here- [Primer] The Wizarding World of Inalla. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the competitive approach!

The Control Approach (Instant and Sorcery Based)

Another approach to playing Inalla at standard commander tables to the one articulated here is the control approach. While not a cEDH list and not taking a reanimator approach, this deck nonetheless focuses heavily on instants and sorceries to keep your opponents under control until you are ready to win. It wins by hard casting Inalla. and then using Intruder Alarm with Inalla's first ability to power multiple activations of her second ability so as to drain out one's opponents. Its a really cool approach, and one that almost inspired me to make a second Inalla deck to complement mine. This approach can be appreciated by those who hate infinite combos in that, while it uses combos, it wins without truly going infinite.

That being said, I still prefer the tribal approach because I love tribal decks and like to get the most mileage out of my commander's abilities, which for me means playing more wizards and fewer instants and sorceries. That being said, its a great deck, and if you are interested. You can see it at work in this video from MtgMuddstah here- The creator of the deck has since changed some things around to include more wizards and fewer instants and sorceries than at the time of the episode's filming (and is closer in how it now works to my approach), but the earlier incarnation of the deck certainly showed that a control approach is more than viable. I'll also post his current list here as he is a veteran Inalla player who is worth watching and learning from- Wonderfully Wily Wizards

The Wizards Tribal Approach (this one)

The wizards tribal approach is focused heavily on abusing Inalla's first ability to the max for fun and profit. I won't comment more here because this primary should provide everything you need to know!

It seems that a staple of popular primers online is the "Why (insert commander?) section," and I'd hate to disappoint!

You Might Enjoy Inalla Wizards Tribal if-

  • You like wizards
  • You love tribal decks
  • Like Melissa DeTora, you view playing a deck as putting together a puzzle each time
  • You like combos
  • You like decks with a consistent engine that nonetheless provide a lot of flexibility and adaptability
  • You like to be tricky
  • You like playing blue

You Might Not Enjoy Inalla Wizards Tribal if-

  • You hate wizards and all their sneaky ways
  • You hate tribal decks
  • You enjoy linear play
  • You hate those dirty combos
  • You prefer to turn big things sideways and smash face
  • You prefer a straightforward approach
  • You despise playing blue
As my early elementary school daughters might say, generic categories are so boring. So rather than the typical card type sorting here I've grouped cards into some custom categories that provide some flavor while also providing a more useful mechanism for examining how the deck works.

Her Realm

The first category is the simplest, this just includes the lands. Their main purpose, of course, is to get us all of our colors early, though there are some special lands whose usage will be discussed throughout the primer.


Another straightforward category, this includes the mana rocks that provide our deck with ramp or allow us to use our creatures to generate lots of mana (Mana Echoes).

Objects of Power and Wards

These are the key artifacts and enchantments that really cause our deck to take off, and are major enablers of our game plan. Each of them helps jack our gameplan up several levels, and knowing what each of them do and when to use them is critical to playing this deck well. I'd recommend studying the list and learning them well. These also aren't cards to cut when looking to customize your own list.

Her Spellbook

Another straightforward category, these are the key instants and sorceries that allow us to disrupt our opponents, protect our own gameplan, get what we need, and enable victory.

Her Archivists

Every master wizard needs librarians who can assist in their research, provide resources, and just get them what they need when they need it, and that's how these wizards function. In order to have a successful game, you will need to play and recur some of these in order to get you to have what you need to cast the mythal (win the game). These wizards will draw and filter through cards, tutor spells and artifacts, and help you to recur key instants and sorceries. Don't leave home without them!

Her Abjurers

Spies and enemies will no doubt want to prevent us from casting the mythal, and we need to strike them first to prevent them from doing this, and stop them if they do attempt to do so. All of these wizards help us to stop or mess with our opponent's plans.

He Inner Circle

These are the legendary wizards that will assist Inalla in carrying out the ritual. As legendaries aren't ideal for use with her ability, all of these have proven worthy enough that they have nonetheless been included. They all have a unique function in the deck, and should be studied in order to understand how they contribute to the deck's gameplan.

Her Apprentices

While the master may chart the course, oftentimes it is her right hand people who carry out the nitty gritty work of casting the mythal. All of these cards are either key pieces of the deck's win cons, or are critical in ensuring you make it to that point. It is good to know these pieces well!

In our ideal opening hand, we have access to our colors, at least one piece of ramp, one of our many tutors, and one of Watcher for Tomorrow, card:Seagate Oracle, Merchant of Secrets, or Cloudkin Seer. You should never keep a hand without access to blue, and you really need a clear path from the beginning to refill your hand once it is depleted and ideally before hand. Ramp is very important as it is in all decks, and especially here as we are going to quickly want to be doing multiple things per turn, and as we're going to be ultimately executing some mana-intensive combos. That being said, draw is more important to have out of the gate, and if you don't have it you need a way to get it. If we have enough draw or filtering we'll hit all of our mana rocks soon enough and make all of our land drops.

It is worth mentioning that I almost always keep an opening hand with Watcher for Tomorrow, as it tends to be an unparalleled card draw and filtering engine. It is hard to understate the power of filtering through eight cards and functionally drawing two (once the tokens are gone) for just three three mana. If I have it early and can recur it even a few times, the odds are highly favorable that I will win very quickly.

Of course, ramping as soon as possible is the goal, which is why we are running almost exclusively one and two mana rocks. The sole exception to this is Chromatic Lantern, since it gives such superior fixing that its worth it. Most of these tap for colored mana also, as we do have some spells that are intensive in one color. The exceptions are obviously Sol Ring but also Thought Vessel, since having no maximum hand size is highly desirable in this deck and will generally leave us with an embarrassment of resources.

In addition to the critical tasks of getting a draw engine going and ramping, we really need to focus on setting up a recursion engine as quickly as possible. Specifically, we want to find a way to bounce our ETB wizards back to our hand as soon as possible so that we can start recurring them for value. We do this either by blinking our wizards or by bouncing them back to our hands. If we want to blink them, we just need to soulbond them with Deadeye Navigator. The easiest way top bounce them is with Cloudstone Curio, though we can also use AEther Adept, Barrin, Tolarian Archmage, or Venser, Shaper Savant to get the same effect. In the latter case we simply need the ETB trigger from the original to target the wizard we want to recur, and the the trigger from the token to bounce the original back, which we can then do again turn after turn. Once we've established a draw engine by recurring key wizards, we'll be well on our way to getting our combo pieces as well as the counterspells and removal that we'll need to keep our opponents in check.

While all good commander decks are filled with great cards, there is oftentimes a card which could clearly be considered "the best card in the deck." Contrary to what we might think, this isn't usually some splashy win the game card like Expropriate that will be great once you can get to resolving it, but rather a key piece that will make everything you are trying to do throughout the game easier. For this deck, that card is absolutely Cloudstone Curio. Curio is the first card I target with a tutor, and when I have it on the battlefield everything feels easy. I can get the job done without it, but life is much rougher. This is because what was said above about the importance of recursion. Recurring a card like Watcher for Tomorrow a few times will almost certainly set me up to win quickly. With Cloudstone Curio, I can bounce it every turn, or even more than once a turn if I have the mana to recast it, for free. The token copy can return the original because of the curio. If I were to do the same with AEther Adept I would have to spend four mana to do it, and free is a heck of a lot better than four mana. Many cards in this deck could be replaced with budget alternatives, and at different times in the deck's life I've run budget versions of some of the splashier cards here, but I'd recommend not cutting Curio, its not worth it!
At this point if we haven't established any of our goals from the first phase such as establishing a recursion engine, we need to do so now. If we're set up that way, we ideally want to set up a way to cast our wizards at instant speed. In this deck, we do that either with Leyline of Anticipation or Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir. Casting everything at flash speed is unbelievably important for this deck. To begin with, we are playing some powerful, but expensive control spells such as Sublime Epiphany and Mystic Confluence. Having access to flash speed allows us to hold our mana open to counter spells or play an instant speed board wipe if needed, and if we don't need to we can flash out our wizards at instant speed the on out opponent's end step. Flash speed also allows us to stretch out our mana to functionally reduce the cost of our most expensive combos. So if we want to try to win with Wanderwine Prophets, we'll want to be able to old out mana to cast Cryptic Command right before our turn so that none of our opponents will have blockers. So if we can use tutors to set this up or draw into these pieces we want to get them active during the mid-game.

We also want to start using tutors to start to grab key combo pieces. We usually win through combos here, and we have a wide variety of ways to win, guaranteeing that we will almost certainly draw into key combo pieces naturally or even start with some of them in our opening hand. For those that we don't have, we are playing a wide variety of tutors including Demonic Tutor and Diabolic Tutor which can grab anything, with the sac cost for the latter being functionally nothing if we use a token wizard that we would lose anyway at end of turn. We are also playing Step Through to get any wizard we want, and Trophy Mage and Tribute Mage to grab key artifacts, including the all-important Ashnod's Altar and Cloudstone Curio. We also have Spellseeker to grab a pair of great two cmc instants or sorceries that we have, including the all-important Cyclonic Rift for emergencies.

Our other main objective in this phase is simply slowing our enemies down and disrupting their game plans so that we can buy time to cast the mythal, for which we have a lot of great pieces. In the counterspell department, we have some pricey but powerful utility counterspells in Cryptic Command, Mystic Confluence, and Sublime Epiphany. While the cmc of these may be high, as mentioned before we are going to try to play at instant speed and hold mana open, meaning the extra value we gain from pricier cards is generally worth it. We also are playing two counterspells on a stick with Glen Elendra Archmage and Voidmage Prodigy. These are always good, but Archmage is especially good if we can blink or recur it for extra value, and we can get extra mileage from the Prodigy with Inalla if we either sac a token (when we have one) or a wizard we are done using rather than the prodigy himself. Of course, we don't need to do these things, and just using these cards the way they are normally used in any deck is just fine. Venser, Shaper Savant can double as a counterspell or permanent removal who we can repeatedly use via Inalla's copy ability. Chaos Warp can be used to remove any problematic permanent, and AEther Adept and Barrin, Tolarian Archmage can be used to keep problematic creatures and even planeswalkers in the latter case off of the battlefield, which is particularly effective if Panharmonicon, Molten Echoes or Naban, Dean of Iteration is on the battlefield. Also, never, ever underestimate the force that is Galecaster Colossus. It may be pricey, but if you can get him on the battlefield for even a turn or two you will be able to shut down your opponents' plans at instant speed. Keep in mind that every wizard you have can bounce a non-land permanent, allowing you to clear the battlefield of all opposition. Sigil Tracer, Dualcaster Mage, and Naru Meha, Master Wizard we can make our opponents think twice about casting powerful splashy spells, as we can copy them and turn them against them. If we need to clear the board of creatures we have Kindred Dominance and Toxic Deluge, if we need to hose an artifact deck and even just destroy a single problematic artifact we have Vandalblast, and if we want to hose everything we have Cyclonic Rift. Bojuka Bog can exile a graveyard if we need it, and the easily tutorable Rakdos Charm can deal with a graveyard or an artifact. And while he doesn't remove anything, Gadwick, the Wizened can keep our opponents' problematic permanents tapped down where they can't pose us much harm. Supreme Inquisitor is a great old card which can exile our opponents' win cons from their library, which is great fun! Mistbind Clique can be recurred and used to tap down an opponents' mana, and can provide a token copy of itself with Inalla to power its own champion ability. This can be particularly possible if its down to the final two, as you can effectively stop your opponent from doing anything to turn the game around.

Some of these interaction pieces are particularly good in certain situations, meaning that we might want to repeat them. For this reason we have Archaeomancer, who can return them to our hand in pairs, and Kess, Dissident Mage. The only thing better than casting Cyclonic Rift is casting it repeatedly so that our opponents can't recover!

Now we get to the fun part, winning the game! We usually win the game through one of several "mythals" or infinite combos that we can put together, though we can sometimes score a tempo win if it works for us (more on that later). Before getting into the combos, however, it is important to say that you shouldn't rush to them. Time is usually on our side here. We are not playing a Cedh deck and we have plenty of ways to disrupt our opponents as long as all of their attention isn't on us, which it will be if we try to combo out too early. The advantage of playing control in commander is that you can often be the "helpful" player who provides the service of slowing down the archenemy at the table who is trying to rush a win. This keeps the other players' attention off of us so that we can be putting together our win in the shadows. The downside of playing control in commander is that if you try to control everyone you will usually fail, and if they can see the win coming they will try to stop it. As such, take your time. Enjoy playing control until there are few ways to stop you and then go for it in the late game. If those other fools at the table want to make our work easier by destroying eachother while we plot in the shadows, all the better! With that said, it is time to introduce the "mythals" and their various versions.

1) The Timewarp Dweomer (School of Chronomancy)

This win con can be executed many different ways, but in all versions is essentially an infinite turn combo. By taking infinite turns we can insure that we can lock our opponents out of playing, and slowly kill them with damage or another combo, as we'll essentially be able to draw our deck and play all of our lands. This is probably the most well-known way to win with Inalla, although the first version of this is perhaps more well-known than the second. Let's talk about each way we might do this.

a) Wanderwine Prophets

The most well-known version of this is just casting Wanderwine Prophets onto an empty board and copying it with Inalla's ability. Importantly, though Prophets costs six to cast, we'll need at least eight mana available for it to stick around to another turn, and more if we want it to be resilient to any instant speed removal our opponents might point at us. We'll also need to have at least one opponent with no blockers for the combo to succeed. If this is not the case, Cryptic Command or Cyclonic Rift on our opponent's end step right before our turn will ensure that the way is clear. In essence, when Prophets enters the battelfield, we'll pay the mana to make a token copy, and the champion ability of both we'll trigger. We'll resolve the token's ability first and set the token as the champion for the original, thus putting it into exile until end of turn where it is safe from harm. Since the token has haste, we'll then attack with it, and, when we do damage to our opponent, we'll get an extra turn. Then, on our end step, the token will be sacrificed and the original will return to the battlefield from exile, at which point we'll repeat what we did before. The token will now stay around till our next turn, where we can repeat the process until our opponents are all dead. Importantly, our opponents will probably try to remove the token Prophets with a Swords to Plowshares and the like, but if they don't do it properly and we have extra mana their efforts will fail. If they try to do so during our first main phase, for instance, the original will return and we can just make repeat the process by spending one mana and win with the combo. To stop us they'd have to use their removal either when we are first resolving the champion trigger, or during combat. In the latter case we can still save Prophets by just copying Prophets again with new token, but the combo will be disrupted as we won't be able to damage that turn. Don't let your opponents know this though, and take advantage of it if they misplay!

b) Timestream Navigator

This version of the timewarp win is less well known, but arguably more resilient. In order to win with it you'll need Timestream Navigator and some way to recur it. The ideal way is with Cloudstone Curio since it involves no additional mana, though if you have the resources you could use any one of our recursion pieces. You'll also need to have had at least ten permanents on the battlefield at some time in the game in order to activate the city's blessing. As long as blessing is active, you simply need to cast Navigator and copy it with Inalla's ability. Since the token has haste, you'll be able to immediately tap it four two and two blue to take another turn. The token will then be "shuffled into your library," while you'll make sure to use Curio or another method to return it to your hand. On the next turn then, which will be yours, simply rinse and repeat! This is arguably a stronger combo than Prophets for classic edh because it doesn't require your opponents to be open to attack and costs fewer mana.

2) The Ritual of Endless Sacrifice (School of Necromancy)

While less well-known than the infinite turn combo win, this is nonetheless the most straightforward way to win and one of the hardest to disrupt. It's the easy-button win for this deck and by far my favorite way to win the game, other than the rare tempo win. Basically, we're pulling an infinite combo using sacrifice shenanigans that will allow us to generate infinite hasty wizard tokens to win the game!

a) Bloodline Necromancer and Ashnod's Altar

With Ashnod's Altar on the field, cast and copy Bloodline Necromancer. The ability of both the original and the token to return a creature from the graveyard to the battlefield will go on the stack. Order the triggers so that the token trigger resolves first then, before it resolves, as a free action (which can't be responded to) sacrifice the original necromancer to Ashnod's Altar gaining two colorless mana. Then let the trigger resolve and bring the original back and copy it with one of the mana you gained from sacrificing it to make a second token. Before the trigger for this second token resolves sac the original again for another two mana and repeat till you have as many token copies of Bloodline Necromancer that you need to kill the table. Since these tokens have haste, simply attack everyone for lethal and win the game! While targeting Necromancer or the token copy with removal is doomed to failure, your opponents can stop you by targeting Ashnod's Altar with instant speed removal at the right time or by casting an instant speed board wipe during your attack phase, so if you are concerned about this and can afford to hold up mana for a counterspell to protect the win, by all means do so! Its also worth mentioning that while its tempting to cast Ashnod's Altar earlier to use as a ramp piece, it is definitely a target for removal due to its prevalence in many combos, and hence I tend to hold it in reserve till I know I can use it to win.

b) Ruthless Technomancer and Mana Echoes

Ruthless Technomancer is a great addition to the deck because it is effectively self saccing with Inalla, and it can make treasure tokens to help power its own ability. To do this, we'll need Mana Echoes on the field and at least 6 mana including two , or five mana with one black and another expendable artifact that we soon will no longer need. Cast and copy the technomancer, and sacrifice the original to the tokens ability. Mana echoes will net us at least from the two wizards we have (or much more if we have other wizards on the board), and we'll get two treasure tokens. We can then pay two of the colorless and the extra to sacrifice the two treasure tokens, or two of the colorless and a treasure token for the to sac the other treasure token and another artifact to bring the original back, which you will then copy with from your floating mana. This time you'll sac both for four treasures and . Use two of the colorless and one of the treasure tokens to sac two of the treasure tokens to bring back the original again, which you will copy with a floating colorless. This time we will only sacrifice the original again for two tokens (leaving behind a second hasty wizard which we can attack with), and will use of the floating and a treasure token to sac the other two treasure tokens to bring back the technomancer again. We'll the continue to alternate between having them sac each other and only saccing one of them until we have infinite hasty technomancers and infinite colorless mana. From this point we can either use Comet Storm if we have it and fear an Arachnogenesis or Inkshield from our opponent, or can just attack with the tokens for the win if we don't have the card or are afraid of a card:Defelecting Palm.

It should be noted here that while the second combo could feasibly come out earlier than the first, the first is harder to disrupt since your sacrificing is a free action which cannot be responded to, whereas a well-placed Stifle could ruin your fun since it depends on triggered abilities which use the stack.

3) The Transported Wizard (School of Replication)

If you recognize the reference to "the transported man," then clearly you have see The Prestige! In the film, a magician played by Hugh Jackman commissions a device from Nikola Tesla to transport creatures across the stage, only to discover that it duplicates the creature instead! In short, with this combo, we are going to create infinite token wizards and find some way to use these wizards to win. Unlike the prior combos, there are many, many ways to win with this combo, and as such it will be hard for our opponents to realize what we are doing, and even a Supreme Inquisitor would have a hard time stripping the win conditions from our library! We'll go through the various interations below, but most of them involve Dualcaster Mage or Naru Meha, Master Wizard and Rite of Replication or Ghostly Flicker.

a) Combos involving an un-kicked Rite of Replication and Dualcaster Mage

These combos involve casting Rite of Replication for its regular cost targeting another creature you control, then flashing in Dualcaster Mage and copying Rite while it is on the stack. You then allow it to resolve targeting Dualcaster Mage, and repeat until you have as many copies of Dualcaster Mage as you need to win. Of course, these token copies will be permanent, unlike the ones you make with Inalla, but also will have summoning sickness, so you need to win in one of the following ways.

i. Endless Wizards

If you are able to do the combo on your opponent's end step before your turn because of Leyline of Anticipation, then you can simply untap on your turn (giving you lots of mana for counterspells should your opponents decide to resist) and swing with your wizards for the win.

ii. The Firestorm

If Ashnod's Altar is on the battlefield, you can simply sac them all for to the altar for as much mana as you need and then cast a massive Comet Storm to kill the table and win the game.

iii. The Mind Wipe

This is a favorite one, because they'll never see it coming! If Supreme Inquisitor is on the battlefield, you can simply tap as many wizards as you need to exile each player's library. When its their turn they'll be unable to draw and lose the game! Its like a mill win without the mill which those lousy Eldrazi can't spoil!

iv. The Drawing

If Azami, Lady of Scrolls is on the board, we can simply tap all of our wizard tokens to draw our deck. Once we have drawn our deck, we'll almost certainly have the cards to win in another way in this guide provided we have the mana!

v. The Lifedrain

Finally, if Inalla, Archmage Ritualist herself is on the battlefield, we can simply tap our endless wizards to drain our opponents out. This is the one case where we will definitely be happy to hard cast her!

b) Combos involving Ghostly Flicker and either Dualcaster Mage or Naru Meha, Master Wizard

These combos involve casting Ghostly Flicker targeting two things on the battlefield, then flashing in either Dualcaster Mage or Naru Meha, Master Wizard, and targeting whichever of these used and a land or mana rock. When it resolves, you'll get mana untapped and another ETB for your mage of choice which will again target Ghostly Flicker. You can do this as many times as you want to get as much mana as you want in whatever colors you need. In the case of Dualcaster Mage this combo wins on its own as you can use the land triggers to use Inalla's ability to make infinite hasty wizards, and we win by swinging with them as in Endless Wizards above (without the need to flash toe combo out) or the Ritual of Endless Sacrifice without the need for Ashnod's Altar. With card:Naru Mehan, Master Wizard we don't get to keep the wizard tokens, but do get infinite mana. Infinite mana doesn't win the game on its own however, and you won't have token copies of the spell in this case, so you'll need to win in one of the following ways.

i. The Firestorm

As above, you will win by using your endless mana to cast a massive Comet Storm to kill the table. The advantage here is that you won't need Ashnod's Altar on the board to do it!

ii. The Drawing

Once again, you are going to use your endless resources to draw your deck, this time using your endless mana and a massive casting of Gadwick, the Wizened. The advantage here is that since you have endless mana you'll also be able to cast your deck, ensuring that you win in whatever way you want!

c) Combos involving a kicked Rite of Replication and either Dualcaster Mage or Naru Meha, Master Wizard

We're in big mana territory here, but if we can afford to flash in Dualcaster or Naru Meha tergeting a kicked rite, we'll get five copies of our copymage of choice, and we can the point all five triggers back at our original kicked Rite. Once they resolve twenty-five more ETBs will go on the stack, which we can then point right back at the original rite Naru Meha works just as well in this case, because while the tokens will be immediately sacrificed due to her being legendary and all, the triggers will still go onto the stack, allowing us to get plenty of value off her.

i. Winning with Naru Meha

At this point if we have Dualcaster we could win in any of the ways that we could in the unkicked version, but we wouldn't have needed to kick it to get that result! That being said, with kicked rite we can now also win in all of these ways with Naru Meha as well, since we can end by creating endless tokens of another wizard when we finally target something other than Naru Meha herself, allowing us to sac them to altar for the Firestorm, attack as in Endless Wizards, exile our opponents libraries as in the Mindwipe, draw our deck as in the drawing, or drain out there life as in the Lifedrain. In addition to kicked Rite giving us these options with Naru Meha, we also get one other way to win as well.

ii. The Blight

There are few things more twisted than killing our opponents by choking them to death with their own lands. If Anathemancer is on the board, we can point our final kicked Rite of Replication spells at him, thus hitting them all for lethal. We can also sometimes do this without the copymages if their life is low enough and they have enough non-basic lands to finish the job, something which can be made easier if we can afford to copy our kicked Rite once with Sigil Tracer.

4) The Stasis (School of Abjuration)

Our final Way to win isn't really with a combo. Rather, its a tempo win by attacking with our wizards turn after turn while using our many control pieces described in the mid-game section to lock down our opponents from doing anything. This usually happens when most other players have been knocked out and its down to a one v. one. This isn't ideal as our main win condition because it usually relies on our opponents to kill each other till we are in the final two, but this often happens anyway and when it does, this can be a satisfying way to pull a win. The all stars at this point in the game are Galecaster Colossus, which can keep out opponent's board clear of non-land permanents, and Mistbind Clique, which can lock down their mana during their upkeep so that they have no chance to cast to recover. The most powerful way to use Mistbind Clique is in a combo with Ashnod's Altar. As with the Wanderwine Prophets combo, we copy the clique and have the token champion the original, and then do the same thing on our end step so that the token stays around. After that on our opponent's upkeep we can sac the token, copy the clique again, and keep their mana constantly locked down. That being said, I've often kept their board clear simply be recurring AEther Adept with Panharmonicon out, or by recurring Cyclonic Rift with Kess, Dissident Mage or Archaeomancer, all the while using Kess and tokens to chip away at my opponent's life until they are dead. We have a lot of all-star control pieces in this deck, and we are more than capable of completely shutting our final opponent down if they are foolish enough to be in the final two with us. This is never our main plan, but some of my most memorable games playing this deck have been by winning this way!

1) Marchesa, the Black Rose

Its kind of funny, Marchesa came in the original precon and every upgrade guide including on the command zone (who also said that Docent of Perfection   is good (see below) recommended cutting it. So I did! Nonetheless, I have noticed a lot of decks still play it, and from this list it is the card I am mostly likely to put back in. On the one hand, we can see why people would recommend cutting her. She cares about attacking, and we're not really an aggro deck! On the other hand, if we have her on the battlefield, if we attack the player with the most life with out Wizards, they get a functional persist effect. If the opponent doesn't block, we get in some chip damage which is never a bad thing. If they do block however, our wizards will die and come back, allowing us to copy them again for another round of double ETBs. There is also the odd chance that our opponents will be distracted by the fact that we are attacking with weenies and ignore the threat we are putting together in the meantime. So she's not in the deck now, but may very well be one day.

2) Beguiler of Wills

This card seems pure fun. By copying her with Inalla we can also use her immediately to steal something permanently, and if we can flash it out on an end step we can do so twice in a row. She's a bit pricey and just a support card really, hence why I've resisted picking her up so far, but its hard to say I'm not a bit beguiled!

3) Reflections of Littjara

This is a card that is obviously good for this deck and made for it. Its really just a fourth copy for me though of what I already get from Naban, Dean of Iteration, Panharmonicon, and Molten Echoes, and is worse than those cards. I don't really think a fourth way to do this would be great in my deck, but for those who don't want to splurge for Panharmonicon this can be a great budget substitute.

4) Cyclone Summoner

I probably won't add this card, but given the ability of this deck to recur wizards a wizard-based one-sided board wipe that I can repeat is tempting. I'll probably just stick with my existing board wipes though.

5) Patron Wizard

Many have suggested this card over the years, and it has come down to a decent price again. It is a powerful effect with multiple wizards on board, and can probably also prevent our opponents from casting on curve just because of the threat of it. I will probably try him out at some point, in which case he'll likely stand-in for/replace Voidmage Prodigy.

1) Docent of Perfection  

During preview season and after release many upgrade guides online, including the Command Zone podcast, all recommended putting this card in. As I was a newer commander player at the time I dutifully followed their advice and added this. And honestly, its probably the worst card I've ever had in this deck. I can't think of a single situation where I was ever glad to have this in my hand. It's just really, really terrible.

On the one hand, I can see why on the surface people recommended it. Its a wizard lord that makes wizard tokens, so a surface level analysis might conclude this was a fit. Beneath the surface however, the tokens it makes do very little on their own, the lord effect isn't of much use since we don't do lots of attacking in this deck, and most importantly, we aren't running enough instants and sorceries to really power it. Now, in the control version of the deck, this would actually be a decent card. If we were running thirty odd instants and sorceries and only twelve to fifteen wizards (the reverse of what we do in this deck) we'd be able to make lots of tokens, which we could then tap and untap with Intruder Alarm to power Inalla's drain ability. In the tribal deck this card is just terrible though, so if you are running this version I'd highly recommend not playing this card.

2) Arcanis the Omnipotent

There are few things better in magic than tapping something to draw three cards, but few things worse than paying six mana for a permanent only to have it destroyed before you get to draw the cards even once. Arcanis isn't generally worth it unless you get to use him twice, and since he's legendary we don't have the option to copy and immediately activate him on the first turn at instant speed. He was fine before Gadwick, the Wizened was printed, but he's far outclassed in today's deck.

3) Izzet Chronarch and Salvager of Secrets

These are great cards for recurring your instants and sorceries, but Archaeomancer and Kess, Dissident Mage are better, and we really don't need more than two ways to do this in this deck. Once again, our instants and sorceries are strong and we do want to recur them sometimes, but they are not our major focus.

4) Tempest Caller

This is actually a pretty good card in that it can tap your opponents' permanents so that the way is clear for Wanderwine Prophets if you can flash it out on your opponent's end step so that you can afford to do it. If you are playing on a budget and don't have access to Cryptic Command and Cyclonic Rift, I'd highly recommend it as a good alternative. Since I do have those cards I found this one to be a bit redundant and of course, generally less useful than the above cards so I would cut it, but if you don't have the big money cards I'd recommend this one!

5) Puppeteer Clique

This card is really fun if your opponents have great targets for it in their graveyard, and the persist effect means you can do it again and copy it again when clique dies. If your opponents' graveyards don't have good targets though it is at best underwhelming and at worst a dead card. I hate variance in my decks so this card got the boot.

6) Apprentice Necromancer

I love this card in my Meren deck, but it just doesn't do enough for me here. I already have Bloodline Necromancer to recur my wizards if I am not using it to combo off, and while this card can definitely provide repeat value, it can also whiff if we don't have anything in our graveyard that we want. I like it better in my Meren deck, its just not my thing here.

7) Harbinger of the Tides and its Imitators

Bounce effects can be great in this deck, but I include this here to make the point that we want to be choosy and pick ones that can bounce our own or an opponent's items. AEther Adept can help me recur my wizards for more Inalla triggers or to clear my opponents' boards of troubling creatures. Flexibility is key here!

8) Snapcaster Mage

I'll admit I've never played this card, but despite it being in recommended in every upgrade guide I've never been tempted to. With snapcaster we still have to pay the mana cost of whatever we are casting, and we are generally playing more expensive instants and sorceries when we play them. As such, the odds that we'll be able to cast and copy Snapcaster and have two instants and sorceries in our graveyard that we both want to and can afford to cast, well, lets just say that's magical Christmas land! Archaeomancer and Kess, Dissident Mage are just better options here.

While there are plenty of pricey cards in this deck, many of them were much cheaper than when I bought them, and I do have some limits on my budget! As such, I am not playing original duals or Zendikar era fetch lands. This is mostly because I've had no problems with my mana base with the lands I have in here, and its not worth it to me to shell out the amount of money needed to purchase these lands when they will have at best marginal impact on my deck's performance. That being said, if you have them, by all means put them in! They certainly are nice to have, and can only improve the deck. That being said, I haven't found that I need them.
For those players who play on a budget, you might be tempted to shun Inalla by looking at the price of some of the cards in this deck. I just want to say, don't be discouraged! I have a limited budget myself, and started out without many of the pricey cards in here, and many of them I got slowly over time when their prices dropped due to being reprinted, or in some cases when I pulled them out of a booster pack. The win cons in this deck are all inexpensive, many of the tutors are as well, and you can usually find budget versions for most of the pricey tutors and control spells. Sure, its nice to have Cyclonic Rift, Demonic Tutor, Cryptic Command, Spellseeker and the like, but in the early days I lived without all of them. If you wanted to splurge on one pricey card out of the gate I would heartily recommend Cloudstone Curio, but in the early days it worked without that as well, and I made due with AEther Adept and its imitators. So, don't lose heart! You can have a great Inalla deck even if you are missing some of these pieces. One of the great things about commander is being able to slowly upgrade your favorite deck over time and hone it to its full potential!

I just wanted to give some respect to my favorite primer on tappedout, the style of which inspired me to make this one. I've still never built Olor, but this is just a great and flavorful guide- The Immortal King: The Fable of Oloro [cEDH]


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(2 years ago)

+1 Aether Channeler main
-1 Merchant of Secrets main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 3 years ago
Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Bird 1/1 W, City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Morph 2/2 C, Treasure
Folders Deck that I want to build that aren't mine., Favorite Builds, Decks, Cool, EDH, Decks I Like, EDH Decklsits, EDH, MTG Tabletop, Build in progress
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