Introduction * * This Deck was in the Standard Format * *

That's a self mill Black mana and Green mana standard deck with low budget characteristics. I know that it is not something new around here because I have seen many constructions like this one and I have read previous feedbacks from other user reports who they are working on their own similar to mine. I have gotten a lot of help and feedback from these users but also from the answers of others and I give my thanks to all of them. As I said most of the cards are pretty cheap and some cost a bit more but are not so expensive to buy. The Philosophy is to get creatures in the graveyard as fast as you can and later buff them and make them huge by working with your graveyard.
The main function of this deck is the
bestowed on another creature's body when there will be enough creatures in the graveyards and by bestowing them it is gonna be a real threat.
The second utility of this deck in my opinion is the
Nemesis of Mortals
which it can be casted with 2 Green Manas when there are 4 Creatures in your Graveyard and it's Monstrosity5 with 2 Green Manas requiring 7 Creatures in your Graveyard. A real threat because it is a 5/5, it is cheap when you have creatures in graveyard and it can be a 3rd round play with a bit of a luck. For instance you will start, let's say with
Nemesis of Mortals
in the hand among with let's say 2 Green Manas and a Commune with the Gods or a Grisly Salvage which both of them, they give you 4 Creatures in the graveyard (Very Good Situation) always with some luck because they can also give you 4 Manas (Terrible Situation). You play a Temple of Malady and scry for 1 then pass the turn. Second round you play a mana and cast a Commune with the Gods or a Grisly Salvage and pass the turn. Hopefully next round you will have the
Nemesis of Mortals
down and ready to block or accidentally ready to be removed.
Another card for the usage of ''body'' for your
's bestow is the Lotleth Troll . It can be very solid when it is bestowed with
because you can regenerate it , you can discard creature cards and make it bigger (which helps to get more creatures in graveyard) and finally it has Trample which means that a part of the massive amount of damage of your
's bestow will hit the opponent.
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord , I call it ''the bomb'' of this deck (of course only if you have enough creatures in your graveyard) but always together with the
too. Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord has multifunctional abilities and most of the times when he is huge, you are very close to the win.
Another big guy in comparison with his mana cost of this deck is the flying
Shadowborn Demon
but this time without the need of many creature cards in the graveyard, he has fixed stats and the ability when he enters the battlefield to destroy a non-Demon creature which give us a removal spell on a creature. But everything with a cost, the
Shadowborn Demon
needs 6 creatures in our graveyard from now on on our upkeeps (thing which it is not so hard to achieve playing this deck) otherwise we have to sacrifice a creature. (It gets replace with side deck cards when an opponent plays with Demons).
The second and the last Demon for this deck is the
Herald of Torment
who can be used as a bestow like the
. For example it can give flying and 3/3 to an early played monstrous
Nemesis of Mortals
and we can swing for 13 avoiding creatures without flying and reach. A bit of an issue but not such a big deal is the matter that we lose 1 health every round until he leaves the battlefield. Another scenario in a late game is to bestow the
Herald of Torment
on a bestowed Lotleth Troll by a
. Please make the picture in your head...
The last 4 Creature spells of this deck are the
Satyr Wayfinder
, the Sylvan Caryatid and the Elvish Mystic which are our first or second drops most of the times. The
Satyr Wayfinder
help us to mill ourselves searching for mana and I can tell that this card is the same important as the
for this deck. Sylvan Caryatid and Elvish Mystic to give us bodies for our bestows and produce us with mana.
We can use all of them as bodies for our bestows, thing which is very important because if we lose the cheap body card still we have a creature on the battlefield, especially if we have a massive
I have 18 lands nowadays and 8 other spells Commune with the Gods and Grisly Salvage which are the main cards filling my graveyard with creatures among with the
Satyr Wayfinder
Due to my limited knowledge and experience with the game I can't find really which are the answers when I am doing a bad game or a couple of them in a tournament. So I ask the people who visit the thread and have experience with similar decks to give me a feedback about how playing this deck better, the possible replacements and the Sideboard switch of the cards against potential standard decks (e.g. Elspeth, Black Devotion, Blue Control). I give my thanks to you in advance and I will appreciate your interest and your advices.