This is one of my first decks so bear with me here!
A Rakdos midrange deck taking advantage of the power of Mogis as well as other new BNG cards like
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
Herald of Torment
. The deck uses a combination of low CMC creatures and removal to pave the way for larger creatures like Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
I would like help making this deck more competitive (especially against the control matchup), so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Rakdos Cackler
: An aggressive turn 1 2/2 creature that also helps provide devotion for Mogis.
Spike Jester
: A 2-drop creature useful for getting early pressure that acts as a repeatable Lightning Strike.
Chandra's Phoenix
: A 3-drop evasive creature that synergizes well with the burn spells.
Herald of Torment
: A 3/3 flyer for 3 mana that also helps devotion?! Yes please.
Mogis's Marauder: Gives the deck's creatures evasion to help push through with damage.
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
: One of the few creatures where tribute is actually good.
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch: A 4 power hasty attacker with first strike makes for a resilient beater.
Mogis, God of Slaughter: A bit difficult to achieve devotion, but his ability gets pressure and puts the opponent between a rock and a hard place.
: Helps clear the way for early attackers.
Hero's Downfall: Dreadbore at instant speed? Who wouldn't want that?
Shock, Lightning Strike: Kills small creatures, works as burn, and helps get
Chandra's Phoenix
back from the grave.