lmao this deck used to be an Abaddon the Despoiler deck, but holy crap did that deck suck. "Cascade into value"? What value, the two drop mana rock 12 turns in for the 50th game? Screw off. It needed way too much to get going, meaning deck space was seriously clogged and limited. It was also far too reliant on the commander to really work and succeed. One or two removal spells and you're set back for like 5 years, only to have to wait yet ANOTHER turn before you can do anything. Such a disappointment. Abaddon is one of those cards that, in my opinion, is far better off in the 99.

ANYWAY, I obviously decided to retool the entire deck into a true demon tribal deck with Be'Lakor, the Dark Master at the helm. I think most people ended up deciding he was a better commander, and it's not hard to see why. He gives you some value immediately after hitting the field, drawing you cards, and can be reused with blink effects like Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Essence Flux to refill your hand at will. Be'lakor's presence on the field also lets your other demons have impact when they land, potentially functioning as removal or as player damage. In other words, no more waiting to actually start enacting your gameplan and affecting the board.

You can typically win through Be'lakor damage triggers and combat damage alone, especially with Solphim, Mayhem Dominus on board. That card is a complete all-star in the deck. I've recently added reanimator cards into the deck to help cheat demons out sooner and give the deck some survivability in the case of board wipes and such.

Also, yes, the title is a reference to the awesome Shin Megami Tensei spinoff, "Devil Survivor: Overclocked", which I highly recommend people play if they haven't already. The fact that Be'lakor is basically a Bel demon and how my online name is Bel makes me wonder why I didn't just go build this deck from the start lol. It's a shame that there's only one other Bel demon in Demonlord Belzenlok, but oh well. Maybe one day there will be a Bel tribal lmao.

If you're lost as to what the deal with the name "Bel" is, then the short and sweet of it is that there was once a god called Bel who was defeated by another god. Bel broke apart and became numerous other demons/gods; these demons had "Bel", or some variant thereof, in their name to denote their origin (e.g., Beldr Jezebel, Belberith, Belial), and all seek to defeat the other Bel demons to regain the power of the original Bel. The ultimate victor would become the "King of Bel", rule over all other demons, and have the power to challenge the current god of the universe.


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Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 day

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.68
Tokens Copy Clone, Devil 1/1 R, Start Your Engines!, Treasure
Folders Closet, Demon Tribal, decks
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