Here is my attempt at a competitive Tokens build. Other than the EMN cards, this is built primarily with cards currently in my collection. I wanted to build this deck after playing with Hanweir Garrison at the prerelease and really enjoying it. I also love tokens (death to Virulent Plague!) and Thopters, so that was where I started.
Hanweir Garrison: The reason I decided to build the deck, and a ton of fun to play. It must be dealt with or it gets completely out of control.
Pia and Kiran Nalaar: A must for any token or Thopter deck. The Sac ability is super strong and plays wonderfully with Hangarback Walker. Speaking of
hangerback walker
Hangarback Walker: So strong in any deck, even if it doesn't have a strong token presence.
Thopter Engineer: Good blocker, creates Thopters, will rarely get bounced, and gives your Thopters and Hangarbacks haste which is super powerful for attacking Planeswalkers or buffing your Hangarback.
Sylvan Advocate
: Because I am running green.
Pack Guardian: Not sure about this one, but can bring out 6 damage for 4 mana. Has Flash which is a fun trick and fits the token theme.
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
: Also not sure about this card, but his ETB effect is strong for my Thopters and a pretty solid body. Can remove a creature if he flips. Still testing with him in the list.
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar: Great for tokens, buffs all my creatures. Required for any tokens deck.
Arlinn Kord
: Creates tokens, can Lightning Bolt a creature, mini Overruns my creatures, super strong ultimate. Just a solid card.
Burn from Within: Great card for dealing with a flipped abbey, or other indestructible creatures. Great for pushing through the last bit of damage to finish off an opponent.
Nahiri's Wrath: An interesting card that has a lot of potential. I am not sure if I will end up keeping it mainboard, but I like the idea of it. Still playtesting.
: Great for a token deck and can be used to prevent a Dromoka's Command fight or just to kill a creature that might be troublesome.
Second Harvest: I just attacked with everything leaving me and my Walkers vulnerable? Actually, I didn't. But in all seriousness, not 100% on this card. It might be better to add more creatures or another burn spell in this spot.
Spreading Flames
: I am thinking this will end up being a sideboard card, but could be good for late game and clearing out several blockers or just a big creature.
As always, thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions!