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The Little Mermaids Nightmare

Standard Competitive Devotion GU (Simic)



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Mono Blue is back!!.....with a twist-Deck name founded by my bud ZooGambler

Are you tired of running into Abzan variants at your local magic shop? Maybe it's about time you hung up your boring control playstyle and wanted to try something new. Thankfully I have an answer for everyone, with the new rotation mono blue is definitely going to be a candidate for fun/competitive decks being used. I put together a compilation of all the best standard cards currently to make this work so let me break it down part by part for what we have going on in this deck.

Hypnotic Siren : first of all, an easy 1 drop against certain matchups. Nice chump block, one of the best 1 drops blue has currently with flying, it's bestow ability is no slouch. Using nyktos, shrine to nyx devotion ramp is always possible. Just bestow the enemies best creature and they'll for sure start crying.

Frost Walker what can I say, great threat to have on the board.he's a solid 4/1 and for two mana to pay there really isn't a down side to him, your opponent most likely doesn't want to trade that early in the game anyway.

Stratus Dancer, originally I debated between this and Vaporkin but the dancer took the W in the end. The justification behind this decision is that if I find a dancer in my opening hand with 2 mana, i'd rather play it as a 2/1 flier. Now if I drew into a dancer later in the game I would be able to set up a counter spell where Vaporkin would do his same old job. I like the elemental synergy but I don't think including an extra elemental creature simply for the MOW bonus will make a huge impact.

Shorecrasher Elemental Wow, 3 mana to play and brings 3 devotion to the board which is the strongest card in this deck in order to ramp devotion quickly. His megamorph isn't too strong but his quick pump for defensive or offensive counters can make or break matches.

Omenspeaker I was really tempted to throw these into the sideboard but for two mana the utility this card brings really impresses me. Previously before my deck changed into a heavy collected company variant I struggled against 1/1 token armys. I now have a good answer to that and solid blocker who allows card draw.

Thassa, God of the Sea She's the heart and soul of all that is mono blue. Theres nothing more important then scrying 1 every turn and using her defensibly as an indestructible creature or just a menace. The cherry on top of this card is her ability for 2 mana. Wow make anything unblockable, ridiculously strong.

Master of Waves So the fun thing here is that there is enough going on in this deck that I believe allows you to win without this card. Playing master is most likely the strongest play in the deck spawning 2/1 tokens for devotion and thanks to shorecrasher this can be so easy to pull off. Why not play another from hand, spawn more to simply multiply your token army as well as give out a nice additional +1/1 to your elemental tokens/creature army.

Kiora, the Crashing Wave Alright so I know some of you may not agree with me here, I think it's worth it to splash a small amount of green simply for Kiora and these are my reasons. It's another heavy win con, it can protect itself if i'm unable to. It also combos well with Singing Bell Strike or Collected Company meaning no creature should be able to break through and deal with her and once it hits 5, just release the krakens and that most likely is the W for you.

Silumgar Sorcerer This card is my absolute favorite. So flash has always been such a strong ability and here are some the best scenarios i've used with this card. You can either just sacrifice itself for a free creature counter spell, sometimes you might need 2 devotion just for more MOW tokens or Thassa and you can flash him in easily. This is one of my favorite cards from the new set, definitely a must have in any blue deck.

Singing Bell Strike Saving the best for last, one of my favorite cards here for ruining peoples day. Grants easy devotion. Stops many powerful cards in their tracks and thanks to spoilers we got an even better version which can be sideboarded called Encase in Ice. I'm aware it doesn't get hit through Collected Company but there are plenty of scry advantages that have allowed me to pick this up.

So in the sideboard I felt it would be important to throw in extra Negate because I feel the decks biggest weakness is in board wipes. This also is why I wanted synergy with Collected Company which means I needed more creatures with unique abilities. AEthersprouts after playing at an FNM became an instant spot in my sideboard because token generators were quite difficult to deal with. Wall of Frost should be a giant wall which against matchups like mono green or abzan aggro can come in. Basically any matchup where opponents drop heavy ground hitters. Hornet Nest I thought would be a great idea since I could use it as a way to stop pesky fliers or just giant creatures.

Let me know what you guys all think! I'll get back to your comments as quickly as possible and i'll take all advice/criticisms. Up-vote if you believe in magic!


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 1 Mythic Rares

22 - 4 Rares

8 - 8 Uncommons

5 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Kraken 9/9 U, Morph 2/2 C, Thopter 1/1 C
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