A turbo fog deck with a Maze's End kill and milling alternate win con.
It's like counting sheep, except they're guild gates. And your opponent is crying over their useless creatures and cards.
Card Choices:
Guildgates- Help to smooth out mana and combo out. 2 of each is necessary to ensure that i will find them.
misc fog spells- Remove pressure and stoll while I assemble my combo to kill the opponent.
Detention Sphere- basic catch all answer to anything i can't easily get rid of(enchantments, planeswalkers)
Jace, MEmeory Adept- an alternate win-con. Draws cards and soaks up damage.
Supreme Verdict- removes pressure from the board and buys me time.
Urban Evolution- helps to refill up my hand and accelerates the combo.
Abrupt Decay- an answer to pesky sideboard cards(pithing needle) and other things that are difficult to deal with(domri rade).
Divination- Helps to find important pieces to the deck or answers to a specific situation.
Blind Obedience gives me a turn to answer any hasty threats.
Crackling Perimiter- comes in against Burning Earth or against midrange decks to provide another way to win and not be drawing dead to their sideboard cards.
Detention Sphere- comes in against any threats i need to answer and need to have that extra answer
Negate- control. Protects me from their stuff.
Golgari Charm- Master of Waves, RW aggro, White weenie, Mono Red. Even though i have a very good aggro matchup, the extra pseudo sweeper helps.
Swan Song- Control. The one mana cost is more relevant than the 2/2 they get. With so many lands that enter tapped, being able to leave only one mana up to have the "shields up" really helps.
Dissolve- Just another counter spell with a bit of selection.
Fade into Antiquity- A nice answer to the gods or other enchantments that could cause problems.