The new Modern hotness
Longer explanation-
This used to be my Standard deck since I like to break cards that don't "work". The Great Aurora seems like a perfect choice since you're forcing symmetrical situations with asymmetric outcomes- both players shuffle all cards on the battlefield and hand into library and draw that many cards and put all lands into play, but since you're doing so with so much ramp, you are giving yourself an advantage by drawing that many more cards. If you've got a dictate in hand and an aurora in hand you're frequently floating so much mana when you fire the Aurora, that your opponent will have to deal with a Villainous Wealth for 20+ cards. This will usually force a win against them for many reasons:
Against combo decks: you'll exile their win condition and you'll just have more cards in your library
Against aggro: the aurora will usually leave them with 2 or 3 lands, at most. then you'll exile and play literally everything
Against burn: see above
Against ramp: pick their biggest beater and kill them with it
Against lantern control: you're frequently doing as little interaction with them as they are with you
Against control: scramble their hand and see if you can get their one win condition from them
Currently the deck has problems against Eldrazi, Hatebears, Eldrazi Hatebears, Affinity, and Tron. The Perilous Vaults and Cyclonic Rifts are usually enough to fix issues if they go wide or you need to pick off the biggest threat. Commit usually functions much the same way as Remand or other tempo plays, since you're usually firing it on turn 3. Sometimes on turn 2.
Yes this is creature free. Yes there is a version with creatures that would probably do as well as I've had this version do, but I haven't figured that exact formula out yet. Any feedback is welcome, provided it is constructive. Upvotes are appreciated. Sideboard help would also be appreciated.